4ever and always | Barack obama and shrek
Shrek and barack obama always had a thing for eachother. what happens one day when michelle and fiona find out they have been cheating on them. will shrek and barack run away and live a happy ever after
Shrek and barack obama always had a thing for eachother. what happens one day when michelle and fiona find out they have been cheating on them. will shrek and barack run away and live a happy ever after
This book was written and will be our first complete book. A guy named Jace Elders has a dead beat job and a slut of a wife, but then he falls in love. Falls in love with a turkey he shot. they have a relationship that isn't very healthy.
a hunky tree? and yuh? yeh! Thas jus stupid! my friend is weird... she requested it... well bye then and I hope you like trees. nao kiss meh guudbye =3=