A romance~Nicolas cage x Nicolas cage
A love story between two men,,,,
The story of two star-crossed lovers, No, not that Hunger Games stuff where you kill everybody to survive, True, pure, love, without blood and violence and murder.
It had been a long day at work for you. A hard day, in fact. You needed a way to relax. And your lover knows just how to do that.
Shrek didn't know what to do. Nicolas Cage, the man he loved who was going to leave him soon, or Princess Fiona the bitch who gave him a castle and money who was cheating on him. He didn't know what to do that was until a special donkey help him make his decisions.
My name is Deniqua Jones and I'm a 39 (soon to be 39 and a half) year old woman. This is my story about how I met the love of my life, Nicolas Cage. I'm still with him now. I love him with all my heart. Stay away from him bitches!!!! - Deniqua