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  • Workmate
    466 9 2

    Yu went to Inaba Police Station to fulfill his uncle's request as Naoto's working partner. After a long, long time, what would they do when they finally met each other? What dangerous challenge awaited them a week later? Rated T for murder cases and romantic scenes. I don't own any Persona 4 characters and the cover...

  • Mikan Skies [Pokemon Sun and Moon]
    14.7K 340 23

    AU. What if Moon, Sun, Hau, Lillie and Gladion were just everyday middle school students? What type of lives would they lead and what experiences would they have? Based on the characters from the games Pokemon Sun and Moon. Colored cover on the way. Artwork is originally mine, so no taking, thanks!

  • a new way to fuse(naoto x yu)Persona4
    6.4K 50 24

    warning im stupid so this could become a stupid or weird book so yea.