Here you can find everything about INFPs. I write and share interesting facts, quotes and thoughts about and for INFPs.
Here you can find everything about INFPs. I write and share interesting facts, quotes and thoughts about and for INFPs.
A big book of MBTI-related silliness by an INFJ who psychoanalyzes people for fun. ENJOY! ;D
-BTS' Official Typings Included- Text posts, scenarios, personality sketches, typings of band members and fandoms, theories, jokes, preferences and MOREEEEEEE. All on the amazingly weird and creepily accurate MBTI types (I KNEW IT! I KNEW THEY WERE SPYING ON ME!(」゚ロ゚)」), so enjoy while you can OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN(...
Why it's great to be INFP and other ideas to help you thrive. Written by an INFP, for INFPs, this collection of essays and articles explores what it means to be INFP in a world where it feels like you're constantly swimming upstream. From inspirational thoughts, new ways of looking at things and recognizing your stre...
MBTI is a way of classifying people (Myers Briggs Type Indicator). I'm typed as an INTP, as I am Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking and Perceiving (over Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging) These are some very INTP moments of my life... Funny stuff INTJ included more than other types but many types may be include...