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  • Me, Myself and I
    1K 63 1

    Me interviewing myself Challenge!

  • °Psychology Facts etc°
    630K 31K 129

    Everything is PSYCHOLOGY in this book! It's just a fun fun fun book to enjoy :)

  • Muslimah Next Door { Editing }
    750K 45.6K 35

    "Not all Muslims are terrorists." You know how people say never to judge a book by its cover? I shouldn't have done that myself. Growing up with racist parents planted a negative reputation of Muslims in my head. So, I started believing everything they've told me. I thought Muslims were the reason crisis was happenin...

  • The Tahajjud Prayer
    47K 3.3K 11

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamu alaykum warehmatullaahiwabatakatuhu everyone. The best prayer after obligatory prayers is the night prayer. Allah descends to the lowest portion of the heaven in the last third of the night, and asks if there is anyone supplicating, so that H...

  • Islamic Reminders - 2
    37.2K 5.2K 132

    ◇بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم◇ " And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. " [ Quran 51:55 ] Sharing a collection of beautiful and insightful reminders that everyone need to refresh their emaan. Ps : - Continuation of "Islamic Reminders-1" - It's not necessary to read Part 1...

  • Why Muslimah?
    6.3K 430 12

    Why we muslim girls do not walk away from Islam even after many people claim our rights are violated..... NO IMAGES USED IN THIS WORK ARE MINE if you find any mistake in this work , please be kind enough to let me know

    54.9K 4.4K 44

    As salamu alaykum people : ) just a small description about my book.....I will be writing authenticated hadiths mostly from BUKHARI, MUSLIM and TIRMIDHI.....or any authentic referance book , SUNNAHS of Prophet (S.A.W) and any important information related to Islam....In shaa allah this book will be much helpful to yo...

  • Together Forever
    259K 14.7K 31

    -- We hear many times of couples meeting, spending time together, getting to know one another before getting married and having their happily ever after. How often, though, do we hear of these very people after their happily ever after? How often do we hear stories from relationships which have gone through hell and...

    885 38 4

    Sayf Allah al-Maslul, The Drawn Sword of Allah the Almighty This is only a summary of the life of Khalid ibn Walid RA and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. For ease o...

  • kisah para sahabat
    6.6K 251 20

    dizaman sekarang kisah-kisah para sahabat-sahabat rasul telah asing kita dengarkan bahkan, telah jarang remaja yang mau mencari tahu bagaimana kisah para manusia-manusi muliah ini. Alhamdulillah kami ucapkan atas rezki yang Allah telah beri kepada kami semua dan semoga baginda rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam b...

  • Cerita dari surah Al-Baqarah [ A: Golongan yang bertakwa ]
    937 26 1

    Bahagian 1 - Pengenalan " Siapakah engkau?" " Aku adalah Al-Quran yang menjadikan malammu tiada terpejam dan siangmu dalam kehausan" Akan datang pada Hari Kiamat iaitu Al-Baqarah dan Ali'Imran kepada pemiliknya layaknya dua buah awan dan dua pasang burung yang berbulu lebat , ia juga akan datang kepada pemiliknya dala...

  • English Translation Of ''THE HOLY QUR'AN''
    7.1K 850 115

    Bissmillahir-rahmanir-rahim (in the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful). Rabbi zidni 'ilma ( My Lord, increase me in knowledge). So this is my first book on wattpad, therefore I wanted it to be a blessed start and decided to write what you saw as a title. I hope you can read and understand the verses of the...

  • Motivasi Penghafal Al-Qur'an
    44.5K 1K 7

    Ada saatnya bagi penghafal Qur'an futur, timbul rasa bosan menghafal atau tergoda dengan bisikan syetan. Semoga kita selalu dijauhkan darinya. Di sinilah kumpulan motivasi yang bisa dijadikan untuk mengembalikan semangat menghafal. Bukan menghafal saja, membaca, mentadaburi dan mengamalkan, Insyaa Allah dapat dilakuka...