Toy chica x Bonnie: and to think, a replacement could love an old.
Bonnie and his friends were stuck in the parts and service room, Bonnie was getting lonely, foxy always with chica, Goldie and Freddy playing video games, the only ones left are..the toys.
Ask Toy Chica x Bonnie!
Cuz why not? In dis book you can ask and dare, toy chica and Bonnie! Mind you, WE SHIP TOY CHONNIE, FOXICA, AND TOY BONGLE! Mhm Kay?
Bonnica (A Toy Chica X Bonnie Story)
When Toy Chica was curious about what was in the parts and service room, she discovered Bonnie. At first, she sees him as a cold and heartless bunny with issues. But then she realises that Bonnie, like the other withered animatronics, is alone. Toy Chica is starting fall in love with Bonnie. Will she ever tell Bonnie...