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  • a cute kitty // septiplier
    5K 243 7

    "can i call y-you daddy?" The green haired boy asked him, holding his hand tightly. He sighed. "Um..s-sure." "What's your name?" The older one added, bending down to his level and releasing his hand. The man wasn't much shorter than the green smol bean. "Well I don't really k-know, i've always been called Kitten."...

  • eighteen
    2K 184 6

    "-am optisprezece ani şi iubesc o puştoaică de paisprezece"

  • notebook
    984 366 8

    scria şi scria..

  • Lipsit de sentimente ~yaoi~
    97.6K 9.5K 51

    Înainte să-mi judeci viaţa, trecutul sau caracterul... Încalţă pantofii mei, și călatorește cat am călătorit eu. Trăiește-mi soarta, tristeţea, durerea și fericirea. Amintește-ţi! Toată lumea are o poveste! Iar când vei fii îl locul meu... Atunci mă poţi judeca. *Copertă realizată de @mint-cream *All Ri...

  • The Observations of Patrick Kraker.
    64.9K 3.4K 10

    I'm pretty extraordinary (read: absolutely normal) for an average guy named Patrick- Patrick Kraker, and before you ask, no, I do not want a cracker; neither does Polly. Polly's sick of crackers. a) My summer job may or may not involve spray painting myself completely silver and standing motionless in the park. Of cou...
