Crimson┇ Wy's Diary [❈]
The female crossed her arms, "You wanted to know more about me right?" She spoke quietly, before handing you the small leather bound book.
The female crossed her arms, "You wanted to know more about me right?" She spoke quietly, before handing you the small leather bound book.
In every age of the world, there has been a leading nation, one of a more generous sentiment, whose eminent citizens were willing to stand for the interests of general justice and humanity, at the risk of being called, by the men of the moment, chimerical and fantastic. Which should be that nation but these States? Wh...
Hola! This a question and answer book for me, Mexico! Feel free to ask anything. Adios everyone.
"Mi hermano gave me this libro for some reason. He's weird some... O-oye! P-put that down! Hermano! Someone's invading my personal space!"
Hello there, diary thief. Kindly put my personal book back where you found it or suffer the hexes I have prepared for your sorry arse!
The Canadian female sat at her desk writing in a small, leather bound book. She looked up and smiled seeing you, "Oh! A guest! I'll go make some coffee!" She left to go make some while you decide to sneak a peek at the book.