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  • Why? | H.E.S
    110K 3K 41

    'Je gaat gewoon! Wij kunnen het niet meer!' 'Nou doei dan maar hè! Jullie hebben nooit voor mij gezorgd en nu woon ik bij die arrogante broer van me!' Harry Styles, lid van de band one direction, krijgt te horen dat hij moet zorgen voor zijn jongere zusje Darcy, omdat zijn ouders dat niet meer kunnen. (Speelt zich af...

  • Fox River's Female Inmate
    78.4K 2K 9

    Convicted killer, Felicity Dillon, has become the only known woman to walk the grimy, tainted walls of the all-male prison Fox River Penitentiary. She has her reasons of why she did what she did, and she doesn't want it getting out. The valuable information of her past getting out to the disgusting, pig-like men she h...

  • 💙Stolen Hearts💙 (Leonard x reader) (completed)
    21.7K 567 27

    A Leonard Snart book with you as Reader . And I took the Captain Canary off to put in a different book I'll make after this one called Timing Is everything I do not own the D.C. Characters from the shows I just own the powers the Reader has and the story I make mine and the slight or major changes in the D.C. Legends...

  • Crazy Theories
    105 19 8

    Me saying things I've thought up that probably make no sense.

  • Olivarry ❤️
    14.7K 367 5

    Fun raMbles and song fics ❤️ that are really really bad I'm sorry

  • Prison Break Preferences (Completed)
    163K 2.7K 101

    Preferences for the Prisonbreak crew; *Lincoln Burrows *Michael Scofield *Sara Tancredi *Theodore Bagwell *Fernando Sucre **Updating**

  • ColdFlash- Soulmates
    100K 3.2K 18

    Barry and Leonard were together before Barry knew about his boyfriend's criminal tendencies. That caused problems and eventually broke them apart. Now Leonard is back in Barry's life. It seems that they were destined to be together, criminal and justice, good and bad, cold and speed.

  • DCs Legends of Tomorrow Preferences
    644K 15.9K 200

    Preferences for the legends; *Raymond Palmer *Rip Hunter *Leonard Snart *Sara Lance *Mick Rory *Jefferson Jackson *Nathaniel Heywood

  • The Only One To Thaw The Ice
    122K 3.8K 44

    Captain Cold x Diamond a.k.a Gaige Diamond hates being called by her real name unless it's Leonard Snart, which she soon realizes, and goes by Gaige. She got that name because she's an engineer, a brilliant one at that. She's part of the Flash's team and works part time at Jitters for money. Her life totally screws up...

  • Ice Fever [Leonard Snart/OC]
    442K 18.4K 82

    "It's a pity these police officers are deciding your life span. To die so young as well." Snart said loudly, the police officers backed off a little as Snart continued to back toward the exit. Finally we got there and the police officers were at a far away distance. "Thank you for your cooperation." Snart said softly...

  • wonders never cease (The Flash Fanfic)
    168K 4.2K 26

    When Audrey comes to Central City, she thought that she finally could have a normal life. But is normal even possible in Central City?" The Flash/Barry Allen Fanfic

  • A New Face (Barry Allen)
    266K 5.9K 35

    Bethany Smoak is Felicity's sister. Bethany move to Central City to restart her life, but what happens when Bethany meets some of Felicity's friends.

  • Within Seconds // Barry Allen
    5.5M 205K 100

    [based on season one of The Flash] || book one of three || At the time Central City's own Barry Allen discovers he has the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, a woman from his past, Parker Sylas, returns to her hometown. Scoring jobs at both the CCPD and S.T.A.R. Labs, the two were destined to cross paths a...

  • Heroes combine (superflash)
    1.7K 77 13

    When team flash goes to another earth to stop zoom they meet kara and the d.e.o and together they must stop zoom and anyone else who threatens national city will zoom escape or will team flash and supergirl catch up to him and beat him and if they win they won't be heroes they will be legends Cover by isabellehawk F...

  • Hero (The Flash)
    454 13 3

    Candice Fisher just moved to Central City for a new start. She soon finds out about the mysterious meta-humans and the one and only Flash. She becomes curious on who this fine hero actually is. Will her curiosity put her in danger? Will she find out the Flash's secret identity? Either way, she won't stop until she fin...

    965 14 4

    ❝Life doesn't give us purpose, We give life purpose.❞ In which a girl likes to roleplay with unknown persons for a unknown reason.