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  • The Sweat Glistens - A Creamcakes Oneshot
    534 15 1

    Gary asks Robbie to accompany him on a run through the LA hiking trails before breakfast. After they return for a good stretch and some food...but what exactly will they be eating?

    Completed   Mature
  • Breakfast At Tiffany's
    123 2 1

    I never thought a coffee would change my life so dramatically, that is until I met Mark at a coffeeshop.

  • Take that imagines
    488 2 2

    Imagine off take that and there wife's There not real and hope you like them xx Share Comment Vote

  • Greatest day!
    306 3 1

    Meet an greet with take that.

  • A Barlow trip
    509 10 4

    Gary dawn and the kids stay with Robbie and Ayda and there to Kids teddy and Charlie ((this is not really X)) Find out what happens a by reading X Comment your options

  • Drabbles
    3.2K 122 23

    Inspired by Ruthie's Drabbles, I thought I'd give it a go myself. Turns out writing only 100 words is really blimmin hard, and whilst I'll try to stick to the word limit, forgive me if I go over it a little! Hope you enjoy! © 2015/2016/2017 GemsTT

  • Dreams come true! - Mark Owen fanfic!
    1.3K 44 5

    Ella was a massive Take That fan, she has been since she was young. She's been to every Take That tour which she has been alive for. Ella's dream is too be a singer. But she's afraid to use her voice because when she used to be in school she got bullied for trying to be herself. Now Ella works in a music shop. Selling...

  • Julie
    12.3K 531 49

    'Julie, what's your problem? Won't you tell me, what's going on?'

  • The Jumper Thief
    238 10 1

    "Since when did you start letting Mark wear your clothes?" Little comedy fic

  • Where the Showbiz Ends.. A Creamcakes Oneshot
    543 12 1

    Gary is so proud of his best friend Robbie performing his new song on the show, but will his pride be able to be kept under control ?

    Completed   Mature
  • What Is Love - Barlow/Williams
    18K 526 43

    Gary Barlow & Robbie Williams, Fluff and Angst, Smut, DRAMA, Creamcakes / Barlliams! 43 chapters (with prologue & epilogue) - COMPLETED. Summary: After coming out after so many years in the closet, Gary Barlow and Robbie Williams promised each other they would continue to fight for their love, a love they shared so d...

    Completed   Mature
  • They are my lifesavers, I will be their destroyer
    571 37 6

    Take That hat ihr Leben gerettet. Nicht durch ihre Musik, ihre Liebe zu ihnen oder anderen Fangirldingen, sondern wortwörtlich. Sie brachten sie ins Leben zurück, als sie an der Klippe zum Tod stand. Allerdings wird sich ihnen im Laufe der Geschichte eine bestimmte Frage immer wieder stellen: War es das wert? Hat sie...

  • Gary and Libby - Take Two
    13.1K 165 65

    The latter part of the love story that didn't start with spilled coffee... So much more fluff, smut and the occasional angst because I am painfully incapable of leaving them alone...

  • All I Want
    58 1 1

    'And so here it is; what you're too afraid to say out loud...'

  • Hang On in There
    338 12 2

    The Take That lads visit Australia for the first time in years on a promo tour for their up and coming record. However, during an outside gig to a large crowd, a major accident occurs. Is this accident enough to change two people's lives forever or will things, eventually, get better? Set in 2014 (though TT5 not TTIII...

  • Sick Day
    201 9 1

    Mark's ill, but still decides to go to the studio... Mark/Rob fluff at the end. Did my best to keep it friendship based ;P (Pretty much a rewrite of a rewrite of a fanfic I wrote about 4 years ago. The older versions are pretty rubbish, but I'll post them if you want to read them)

  • Easter
    96 2 1

    It's Easter and so here's a little Easter fic for you!

  • Take That Are The Inspiration
    106 0 11

    A collection of Doctor Who one-shots based on the songs of Take That

  • Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FF
    27.9K 448 87

    As Gary Barlow prepares to enter the life as a solo artist once again, he feels that the nerves of being away from the boys may get to him again, just like it did 14 years ago. But when he randomly bumps in to a girl out of the blue, he realizes that not everything is as important as chart positions and selling out to...

    Completed   Mature
  • It's the moment I've been waiting all my life for
    430 3 5

    50 shades of Gary

  • Holiday Gary
    249 12 6

    Mehrere kleine Fantasien, da gibt es noch mehr davon, teilweise wohl etwas versaut... ich versuche sie irgendwie alle in einer Geschichte unterzubringen und irgendwie zu verknüpfen, evtl auch auf englisch dann. Bis dahin sorry für das Durcheinander.

  • Take That Relighted The Fire Again - Take That FF (in German)
    434 31 4

    In meinem Kopf habe ich mir meine eigene Story ausgedacht, wie die Jungs um TAKE THAT nach etlichen Jahren der Trennung wieder zusammenkamen und in einer Bar beschlossen hatten, sich an einem Comeback zu versuchen.

  • Don't Say Goodbye To Me... - 1. BOOK - Take That FF (in German)
    846 62 20

    FF - TAKE THAT [TT5] (Bei den wenigen "Erwachseneninhalte" die vorkommen werden, sind nur im Groben beschrieben und dass es gerade passiert.) Was in Gottes Namen ist nur mit Gary los? Von heute auf Morgen ist er plötzlich wie ausgewechselt und verhält sich seinen Freunden gegenüber äußerst merkwürdig. Zuers...

    Completed   Mature
  • Holiday
    3.3K 103 16

    An unexpected guest turns up... now what?

  • Valentines day
    707 15 1

  • Friends hopefully
    3.9K 104 56

    Gary has been to la for the for the girl's musical.he's been there for 1 week now without any contact to Dawn or mark end Dawn knows the reason why but she loves him and doesn't want anything to go wrong now its time for a big break

  • Shipwrecked
    533 18 3

    After disaster strikes when on a boat-outing, the five lads become stranded on a desert island with no one else around and with no means of contact with the rest of the world. During the disaster, one becomes separated and the remaining four must find him as well as fight for their own survival. (I'm rating this Matu...

  • One-Shots
    1.2K 17 7

    These are some one-shots/short stories I have either already written or currently writing. They all will most likely be centred around Take That. These are all written for fun. Comments and votes are welcome and appreciated. If anyone has any ideas they want me to write, feel free to message or comment and I'll do my...

  • Working Out
    218 4 1

  • Mark Owen-Trapped in a triangle
    97 4 1

    Read a story where 1 boy is trapped in a love triangle with 3 girls.