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  • Harry Potter and the Altered Destinies
    1.2M 47.9K 76

    Percy Jackson was nineteen, nearly twenty years old and was the boss of an aquarium of his own. Demigod life put behind him, he moved to the United Kingdom to start a new life. He didn't know was that one day he would meet an eight year old abused Harry Potter. Unaware that he once again messed with fates plans, Percy...

  • Misplaced In Time
    62.5K 1.9K 8

    "Perseus Jackson it is not yet your time. There is still something that you must do. We are sending you back in time..."

  • Flames of Destiny
    170K 5.3K 24

    An unconscious stranger found in the middle of the Earth Kingdom was surprisingly saved by the exiled-Prince-cum-fugitive of the Fire Nation. Unaware to the Prince, this stranger's appearance could bring seismic changes to everyone's belief and destiny, particularly that of a certain legendary figure - the Avatar. Dis...

  • I don't need Magic to kill
    672K 33.4K 44

    "he's so weird" "I heard he can't use Chakra" "how did he Graduate?" "poor soul he'll be dead after his first mission" He came back to life, how he didn't know nor care, all he knew was that he had to survive only this time Titans weren't his target. no, now it was Ninjas, Ninjas who could use magic. "you need to lear...

  • Jack, not Jackson
    850K 31.1K 70

    WARNING: this book is about PTSD. Percy is blamed for what happens in the last battle. The deaths of the seven, Nico, Reyna, camp. All of them gone. even Annabeth, who had survived torture in hell with him. As punishment, He is cursed with a type of immortality. He can only die when they feel he has repaid his crimes...

  • Percy Jackson in MHA
    90.8K 1.7K 20

    The summer after the giant war, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase go to the My Hero Academia-verse on a quest ordered by Hecate. What they didn't know, is that the quest was in the future and in an alternate dimension! Join Percabeth as they try to navigate their way through secrets, villains, and hardest of all, quirk...

  • | Professor Jackson | Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover |
    287K 6.8K 22

    [Completed] 🪶 Percy thought he would be bored the entire year while Annabeth interned on Olympus. Looking back, he wished he had been bored. But the fates continued to make his life interesting. Percy spent the entire year teaching. Teaching at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! New year, new friends, new ad...

  • //Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)
    1M 48.4K 86

    "You haven't been searching have you?" he asked ,eyes cold and steely. "A-actually, I-I didn-" the man in front of him tried to meekly deny. "I have been cooperating with you so far, I have been keeping my end of the bargain." he started, his fingernails instinctively sharpening," But if you are just toying with me th...

  • Assassins in a Hero's world
    133K 6K 25

    Karma, Nagisa, Irina and Karasuma, as well as Ritsu got transported to the world of My Hero Academia. Now they are trying to get back home, while keeping their head low, but we'll see how that goes... Ship: Karmagisan

  • AISLIN | I
    222K 9.5K 76

    ❝You are just a WOMAN. You can't fight in this war, you're weak. It will chew you up and spit you out, you can't keep up with us.❞ The commander scoffed with a low chuckle. A couple of men behind him chuckled as well. Evander's gaze burned into the side of my head, awaiting my reply like everyone else. ❝If I can't fig...

  • Legendary Seventh Miracle (KNB and HQ)
    115K 2.2K 16

    Hinata Shouyo is the seventh member of the Generation of Miracles. When Hinata became interested in basketball, Hinata transfer to Teiko Middleschool. But when he met the colorful bunch his life became bright. As Akashi saw a talent in Hinata, he trained Hinata and make a practice match between the five (since Haizaki...

  • Another World [ an HxH x BNHA crossover ]
    394K 14.6K 31

    Killua Zoldyck was wandering around after reluctantly dropping Alluka off at Gon's place, to "take a break from everything", as the green haired hunter says. Little did he know, that chain of events will soon be lead to his appearance at an unknown region, which turns out to be a different dimension where people use t...

  • Pjo / Bnha Crossover
    231K 6.2K 27

    Follow Percy Jackson, Will Solace, and Nico Di Angelo as they try to find their way back home after being mysteriously teleported to Musutafu City in the alternate world of Bnha.-----Inspired by Split Second written by Borntosingwithdrama.-----I do not own any content from Pjo or Bnha.

  • Suddenly Quirkless
    62.1K 2.4K 19

    The world is not black and white. It is not grey, nor is it anywhere close to monochrome. The world was made of rainbows. Beautiful, terrifying rainbows. Killua Zoldyck knew these things, even if he hadn't, at first. And yet, even as he knew these things, he still managed to see his life through the bleak eyes of one...

  • Supernatural Myths
    106K 3.9K 23

    Percy was abducted by a lycan while traveling from California after visiting his girlfriend, Annabeth. Sam fell to a trap of a werewolf they were chasing all the way from New Jersey to California. Sam thought that Percy was caught into trouble when they saw one another. Percy thought Sam was a demigod like him, abduct...

  • Percy Jackson meets the Avengers [VERY SLOW UPDATES]
    176K 3.7K 28

    [IMPORTANT - UPDATES WILL BE SPORADIC, PLEASE DONT COMMENT FOR UPDATES] Ever since those odd energy flare ups last summer, Tony has been tracking these energy signatures. But the signatures lead to two kids? Two relatively normal looking high schoolers. Surely that's not right, kids couldn't be responsible for these s...

  • Slytherin's Heir
    904K 23K 48

    He'd finally found them. Tom Riddle's heir. A boy no older than seventeen, with hair of a raven night and eyes of a churning ocean. The wizened old man closed the weathered book. The Fates had been kind enough to let him in on this secret, one he fully intended to use to his advantage. The boy must not fall into the...

  • Grandson of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named aka Voldemort
    229K 4.3K 13

    Percy Jackson was having a great 5 minutes back with his mum after the war when out of the blue 2 wizards, one nice and kind and the other glaring at him like there was no tomorrow, turned up at his doorstep telling him he was the grandson of an evil wizard, Voldemort. Join Percy as he travels with his mother to Europ...

  • The Descendant of the Dark Lord
    126K 2.7K 12

    What would happen if the dark lord had a grandson. What if that grandson was also the two time saver of Olympus and son of the sea god. How would the wizards react. What would the dark lord do when he found out. (I am also trying to not be cliche) Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter

  • Be Wary, The Crow Watches
    31K 1.4K 2

    Ushijima Wakatoshi said something he really shouldn't have. And now everyone is traumatized by the tiny crow called Hinata Shouyou. Story belong to Hikari-Chimedekina-Neko at

  • Kruk, który był kiedyś Cudem
    3.3K 390 2

    Crossover KnB i HQ. Hinata mieszkał w Tokio i grał w koszykówkę w Teiko jako najmłodszy z Pokolenia Cudów. Po finałach Hinata i Kuroko znienawidzili koszykówkę - Hinata zrezygnował z niej na rzeczy siatkówki i wrócił do Miyagi, a Kuroko postanowił dać szansę Seirin. Hinata myślał, że już nigdy więcej ni...

  • Remedy for Resistance 》Solangelo w Hogwarcie
    6.9K 509 12

    UWAGA! Opowiadanie nie jest mojego autorstwa, jedynie je tłumaczę za zgodą autorki - @Shiruu- Nico Di Angelo wcale nie jest taki jak jedenaście lat temu. Zawsze ekstatyczne i szczęśliwe dziecko z oliwkową skórą, zniknęło i zostało zastąpione przez zmęczonego, przygnebinego, bladego młodego człowieka. Przez trzy po Woj...

  • Animag || HPxAvengers
    70.9K 5.8K 23

    Cross Harrego Pottera z Avengers i kilkoma innymi seriami MARVELa. Harry po pokonaniu Voldemorta postanawia nauczyć się animagii, by uczcić pamięć Syriusza. Po wielu latach ćwiczeń opanowuje postać magicznego zwierzęcia, które tuż po przemianie przenosi go w czasie. Odnajduje siebie w czasach II wojny światowej, gdzie...

  • Córa rodu Phoenix.
    318K 16.1K 82

    Lady Vallerin Crown, córa rodu Phoenix - kobieta, której miłość do czarodzieja już raz złamała życie, po raz kolejny daje się wciągnąć w świat magii. Na prośbę swego przyjaciela, Albusa Dumbledore'a, wraca do Hogwartu, żeby mieć tam na oku młodego czarodzieja - Harry'ego Pottera. Erin z czasem łączy swoje siły z król...

  • Ród Luther
    10.5K 666 7

    Zrodzeni z krwi nieśmiertelnego, potężni, wpływowi i niezwykle utalentowani Lutherowie pod każdym względem przewyższają zwykłych śmiertelników. Ich niebywały dar, okupiony jest jednak straszliwą ceną - ciągnącym się za członkami rodu fatum, domagającym się krwawej zapłaty za przywilej wieczności. Opowiadanie jest his...

  • Śnieżka
    33.8K 5.2K 32

    Cera biała jak śnieg, usta czerwone niczym wino, włosy czarne jak noc. Uciekasz niby zbieg, zdradzona, królewska dziecino, gdzie niknie wiedźmy moc. Czekaj, dziewczyno, czekaj na chłód. Zima przyjdzie, poleje się krew, więc nie spiesz się i czekaj na zew, bo najsłodziej z zemstą smakuje lód. Zdjęcia wykorzystane do ok...

  • Wybranka
    192K 10.8K 30

    Jak zauważyłam w komentarzach ludziom, nie chce się czytać opisów do końca, więc napiszę to na początku... TAK, TO JEST POŁĄCZENIE RYWALEK I IGRZYSK ŚMIERCI! A niżej opis opowiadania, miłego czytania 😘 W królestwie Ache od sześciu pokoleń jest zwyczaj, że podczas 20 urodzin księcia, następcy tronu odbywa się losowani...

  • Ulubienica
    115K 6.8K 26

    II Część i kontynuacja opowiadania Wybranka. Willow wciąż żyje, ale czy na długo? Uwielbiana przez zwykłych ludzi, ponieważ jako jedyna otwarcie mówi o problemach aktualnych rządów, ale na przekór niej stoi król, który pragnie jej śmierci. Dodatkowo dziewczyna zaczyna tracić najbliższe jej osoby. Książę, który stał...

  • Zwyciężczyni
    130K 7.9K 30

    III Część i kontynuacja opowiadań "Wybranka" i "Ulubienica". Willow znajduje się w ścisłej ósemce zwanej elitą. Dziewczyna jest załamana. Nie potrafi się pogodzić z wydarzeniami, które miały wcześniej miejsce, obwinia się o wszystko i nie dopuszcza do siebie nikogo w obawie, że i jemu może stać się krzywda. Kolejnym...

  • Tajna Misja [WOLNO PISANE]
    26.6K 1.5K 21

    Katharin Hood, każdy uważa ją za kujankę. Jest nieśmiała i nie umie postawić się komukolwiek, jest samotniczką. Kat straciła rodziców i mieszka w domu dziecka. Tak widzą ją uczniowie i nauczyciele ze szkoły, a prawda może być zupełnie inna.