Random Wattpadian: Oh dear, I wish there was a book with adorable things that the Hamilton cast has done! A place where I can fangirl freely about everything... Me: Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey... Random Wattpadian: You know of such a book?? Me: yeah! It's right here! It's basically me sharing videos, pictures, and thoughts th...
Gill Bates Poorest man alive "There are times to follow your dreams and then there are times to follow your memes."
in this book that I'm writing, I'll be showing you tips/tricks and much more on how to be aesthetic on |almost| everything \book written on June 25, 2017\
This is a book on how to be aesthetic and it's not only focused on one but on multiple aesthetics There will be no body shaming or any sort of shaming, only positivity and positive outlets of how to better yourself and find your aesthetic :)