Scaredy Cat
In an effort to live a bolder and braver life, Everly Rowan begins following the "10 Easy Steps of the Morris Method of Creative Risk-taking". Over the next few weeks she visits a karaoke bar, a punk hairstylist, a bible-thumping church, and a skydiving drop zone. She breaks off her engagement to her fiance, clobbers...
Mitch & Jerome, at our school?/!
A girl from Paris moved to the us to live a non rich life. Will she make friends, fall in love, if she does with who!?!?
A Twisted Fate (Warrior Cats)
An ominous prophecy, a perilous quest, and a battle that will shake the forest to its very roots. One side shall prevail, but which is the one? Join a young apprentice as she struggles among the clans' turmoil as well as her own deadly fate.