Lexa: Pèñtâgráms Øf Hystèrîá
Tell me, who would be stupid enough to summon a demon? Who would be stupid enough to travel to the depths of Hell? Who would be stupid enough? Lexa would. Why did she summon a demon you may ask? Because she can.
Tell me, who would be stupid enough to summon a demon? Who would be stupid enough to travel to the depths of Hell? Who would be stupid enough? Lexa would. Why did she summon a demon you may ask? Because she can.
Vampires, dragons, and elves, oh my... Mason Slater is an incoming student to Old Ranch High who claims to be human. In the past, Mason had dealt with quite a bit of teasing. No matter where he went, he'd constantly be discriminated against for his "true self." According to his parents, they had enough of the bullyin...