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  • Poetry
    40 4 4

    Just some random poetry I've written over the years. *Note: None of my poems have titles. Any and all criticism is always welcome, so long as its constructive. Also if you have any suggestions for titles that would be awesome because I'm really bad at coming up with them

  • Diary of a 'Dead girl'
    602 57 13

    Disclaimer: This book contains explicit content; such as suicide, depression, sadness and self harm. Proceed reading at your own risk of becoming sad or depressed :) Mostly about my life living with anxiety...and horrible emotions that I'm 99% never in control with. #2 In GAD 20/08/2018

  • letters to no one ➳ [poetry]
    5.8M 336K 77

    ❝i've delicately chosen letters to form words and words to form sentences, each sentence a colorful paint stroke on the canvas of my mind.❞ [ #1 in poetry on 27/08/16 ]

  • Poems of Depression
    228 18 12

    Okay...The poems written in this story will be about what I'm going through or have gone through while dealing with my disorders. Long-story-short...they will be depressive. *COPYRIGHT NOTICE* All of the poems in this story are written by me and have the "All Rights Reserved" copyright option unless stated otherwise...
