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  • Sophitz Excpecting
    11.8K 82 8

    I hope you guys like this story! I'm new at fanfictoin but am upsessed with kotlc. You guys can probably tell what this story is about from the title. It's basically about Fitz and Sophie staring their family. disclaimer: I do not own any of the characors in this story. They all belong to Shannon Messenger. I also do...

  • Finding Out and Sophitz
    56.8K 499 27

    (This fic is years old now. The only reason it is still up is for me to see my improvement. Not up to date with the recent books, writing sucks.) When Sophie finds out who her genetic parents are she is shocked but she doesn't have the time to stay shocked since the Neverseen still need defeated but with the spare tim...

  • Destiny of the Vengeful (KOTLC fanfic) (SOPHITZ)
    65.8K 965 20

    Disclaimer: These stories are not mine, all rights go to Phantom_Ink. Set before Lodestar.

  • Sophitz~Fan Fiction
    73.2K 721 34

    *Disclaimer this takes place at the end of Nightfall with a different ending* There will be new characters and before you ask it isn't someone who will enter the love triangle. Also to all you who ship Sokeefe please don't hate on my fanfic because this is the first time I have shared my writing in the public. ALSO b...

  • All These Years: Sophitz Oneshots
    24.3K 188 10

    Just like the title: a collection of Sophitz oneshots. Please read and review! I am not Shannon Messenger and I never will be, no matter how hard I wish. Cover by Loverofbooks1000

  • Sophitz Oneshots
    10.1K 105 15

    This is a book about Sophitz Oneshots and maybe some other Oneshots!! This is my first book on wattpad!! So I hope you guys like it!!! And please no negative comments in the comment section!!! I would love constructive criticism that would be wonderful!! Feel free to give suggestions for any Oneshots you may want m...

  • Why? - A Sophitz Fanfiction
    151K 629 19

    This book is inspired by @sophitzlover. Sophie has in kid, Levi Vacker. Sophie tells her daughter about the story of Sophie and Fitz's matchmaking scroll

  • Sophitz Forever
    87.9K 998 43

    HIGHEST RANK: #1 in Oblivion • #4 in KOTLC • Sophie has liked Fitz for as long as she can remember. But now, with everything changing as she turns sixteen, and feelings coming to light, she realizes that her crush isn't as simple as it seems. Not to mention the various feelings that her other friends have been hidin...

  • Now Starring: Humiliation! KOTLC
    96.1K 913 21

    What happens when 7 crazy teenagers get together and play truth or dare? An even better question, what happens when 7 crazy teenage ELVES get together and play truth or dare? Join Sophie, Biana, Fitz, Keefe, Tam, Linh, Dex and more as they embarrass themselves over and over again. Secrets revealed, tears cried--this s...

  • We Stand Together
    31K 556 27

    SEQUEL TO "YOU FALL, I FALL" DO NOT LOOK AT CHAPTER COUNT, THERE ARE MIRCO CHAPTERS ON INDIVIDUAL PARTS Have you ever wondered what the lives of the KOTLC characters' kids would be like? This is the story of the second generation of KOTLC heroes and how they must end a war their parents grew up fighting. Relationships...

  • Sovereignty and Servitude
    273K 5.5K 77

    KOTLC AU Highest Ranking: #1 in Sophitz, #1 in dexiana, #1 in KOTLC, #1 in Diana, #1 in Tiana At last! The Elvin Kingdom of Evertalia as crowned a new King! King Fitzroy Avery Vacker I is a kind, and fair king, who, like his predecessors, has done nothing but good for the kingdom! However, no king is perfect without a...

  • You Fall, I Fall
    485K 7.9K 92

    KOTLC AU Highest Ranks: #1 in Sophie Foster, #1 in Fitz Vacker, #1 in keeperofthelostcities Things are finally becoming normal for Sophie Foster. The Neverseen have been inactive for months, and her cognate training with her secret crush, the dashing Fitz Vacker, is going smoothly. She's finally doing normal-elf stuff...

  • Love the way you lie (keeper of the lost cities)
    33.5K 302 24

    Sophie is trapped in an abyss of liking Keefe, without her consent. She is hypnotized into thinking that she's his girlfriend. Who's the culprit? No one knows. Comes along Fitz, smart as ever, trying to solve the mystery. With it falling in love with Sophie and her falling for him, hard. Simple no? Wrong. With her fa...

  • Because of a Scroll | KotLC Fanfic
    197K 1.9K 26

    When the Neverseen has finally been defeated, Sophie and her friends get their Matchmaking Scrolls. Matches are made, relationships are created, and hearts are broken. But it's just another adventure in the Keeper Crew's lives.

  • KOTLC-One shots(Mostly Sophitz)
    12.4K 114 19

    A collection of one shots of character's from Shannon Messenger series Keeper of the Lost Cities books. I don't own the characters or the cover photo. If you haven't read read the books you are seriously missing out!

  • A Cognate Thing-a sophitz story
    399K 4.5K 61

    After spending a month away from one another Sophie and Fitz can't concentrate and need to figure out how much they mean to one another! **Started after Nightfall, so some character back stories are not cannon. Credit for characters goes to Shannon Messenger for the Keeper of the Lost Cities books. Read them you won't...

  • Sophitz: Meant To Be [COMPLETED]
    206K 1.8K 18

    Sophie is now in her final year of the elite levels at Foxfire, and is old enough to apply for a Matchmaking Scroll. When Sophie and the rest of the Keeper crew open their scrolls, they're shocked at what they see. New romances blossom and things change, for good.

  • Sophitz
    110K 673 18

    REMEMBER: I WROTE THIS IN 2016 (no flashback or Legacy yet, lol I didnt even know what the name was back then) ok so this is a sofitz story, sorry sokeefe fans... Sophie is 18 and so it starts off of the last day in the towers/ foxfire, btw is the towers part of foxfire? so would it be last day in foxfire? and yes I r...

  • Making the Match
    400K 3.6K 31

    Sophie Foster is now a Level 6 prodigy at Foxfire. The Neverseen has been put down and the war has been won. All was calm for the last two years and things have only been getting better. But one day, a scroll arrives that changes everything. A Matchmaking scroll. Sophie knows who is her number one, but she refuses to...
