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  • The Writer's Guide to a Good Story
    140K 7.6K 32

    Extra, extra, read all about it! Have you heard? I'm giving out writing tips. Whether or not you actually pick up some writing tips is up to you. Hold on. Please don't run away screaming yet. I promise I'll be nice. Cover by @southofparadise

  • Your Guide to Writing the Perfect Story
    208K 9.3K 66

    As the title states, this is your tutorial, created by me, to writing a story to the very best of your abilities. By carefully reading through the following pages, you can enhance your skills and clear your path to becoming the great author that you wish to be, uncovering your potential each step of the way. For tips...

  • How to Write a Novel
    133K 4.9K 24

    A quick and easy guide outlining my novel writing process. If you'd rather watch a video about this and other writing tips, please visit my website or my YouTube channel.

  • How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide
    1.3M 75K 7

    How do I get more reads, votes, and comments? If you find yourself asking that question, then I have some answers for you. What can you do to reach out to readers and potential readers? How can you encourage readers to comment and vote? What are all the different ways you can promote your stories? This #1 ranking...

  • Tips & Tricks to Writing on Wattpad
    1.2M 35.9K 32

    Part guide, part rant. Everything I've learned on writing, from Wattpad, experience, or how-to writing books. Leave requests on the second chapter :)

  • Published: What They Don't Tell You In English Class
    21.6K 1.2K 16

    You want to publish your book. I did, too. It happened, and the more I learn, the more I realize having an English major doesn't prepare you to be a published author. Here's what they don't teach you in school about what it takes to survive in the publishing business. I can promise you one thing: If you want your bo...

  • Writing 101: How to Improve your Writing
    15.5K 619 4

    We are all not perfect, we commit mistakes, we recognize them but we do them again. These "story" is for those who seek critique and want tips on how they want to improve their story better. I am not a proffesional editor and critic but I was once the Editor-in-Chief of our School Newspaper and I hope to be an EIC aga...

  • Writing Great Fiction: An Introduction
    77.5K 3K 9

    Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through the chapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take no...

  • Writing Prompts
    167K 4.2K 115

    Just a book of cool and fun prompts to help get ideas for a new story or inspiration for an existing one! Hope y'all have fun! I do encourage you to share your ideas in the comments as most readers have done and I thoroughly enjoy them!

  • Tips & Tricks To Improve Your Writing
    83.3K 4.8K 11

    Are you the next JK Rowling or just like to write for fun but would like some tips to improve? Then you've come to the right place. In this guide I will cover everything from title, cover, summary, first chapters, advertising, writers block and more.

  • 100 Things You Should Know About Writing (Part 2)
    16.4K 999 25

    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Part 2 of 100 Things. For those of you who've missed Part 1 (mainly dealing with the creation and sustaining of tension), you can find it here: Part 2 will mainly be about the craft of writing, or as...
