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  • The Great Gulon Accomplice
    15.3K 536 9

    Reader X Keefe Sencen It all started when you ran into this boy. You wanted nothing to do with him. That is until you stumble him planning the greatest prank in Foxfire history. Will you help him? Or tell the teachers of his plan? Will you fall in love with the blond pranker or despise him for the rest of your years a...

  • Secrets
    4.6K 170 24

    Sophie felt like her world was tilting on the edge of a huge chasm. Her dream had been true, she had just been too slow to believe it. And now it was too late. Fintan smiled, but it never reached his cold blue eyes. "Ah. Now your pathetic little brain is starting to comprehend what I'm implying." "WHAT DID YOU DO TO...

  • Ms. Sencen?
    481K 6.5K 33

    "This isn't funny, Keefe, why are we in the same bed?" Sophie shrieked, her hair like a rat's nest on her head. "I don't know, Foster, but why are we so grown up?" Keefe yelled back, his eyes wide as he felt his torso. "Mom?" asked a little girl, stumbling into the room. "Dad?" ... Sophie and Keefe wake up in an alte...

  • KOTLC Sophie x (Find out later)
    1.8K 32 12

    This is a fan fiction based on the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. *May contain spoilers of previous books.* Sophie is trying to decide who she likes more, and there are tons of opportunities!! All characters belong to Shannon Messanger #Sokeefe #Sophitz

  • It's Hard to say I Love you. *A KOTLC Fanfiction*
    193K 3.2K 25

    Sophie Foster and the other elves are human, and this is their trip through High-school. Mostly, it's just a bunch of SoKeefe fluff! *Was previously Keeper of the Lost Cities College.* #2 in Kotlc, #1 in Sokeefe (as of October 23rd). How did that happen? Thank you!

    52.9K 711 9

    ❛ FIX ME, FOSTER. YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE ❜ random sokeefe one-shots ranging from sweet to fun and flirty to angsty and depressing! ( first place winner of the 'just peachy' kotlc awards ) 7-24-18 reached #1 in fosterkeefe 8-4-18 reached #1 in fixme ( i only keep up the first few ones because people seem to like them. per...

  • The Crown I Didn't Want (A Sokeefe Selection)
    96.9K 2.2K 31

    Sophie Foster is dreaming of going to the Selection, to meet her crush, Prince Fitzroy Vacker. But Fitz isn't who he seems to be, and Sophie begins to fall for that guard outside her door, Keefe. Fitz still has interests in her, interests that Sophie doesn't return. If he figures out about Keefe, then they're both dea...

  • KOTLC Reacts
    120K 1.2K 70

    [Update schedule: Whenever I feel like it] I do NOT own KOTLC Characters from KOTLC are reacting to various things, enough said Yeah I know there are many of those, but they are fun reading so decided, why not? Warning, many reacts were written nearly 4 years ago, and not all my reacts represent my thinking now (oof I...

  • Dear Keefe, - Love Foster | ✔ | #3
    110K 3.7K 61

    Dear Keefe, This is from my six years without you. When I was having trouble moving on. I hope you read these someday, and know just how much of a pain you were. Love, Foster -------------------------- #1 in kotlc ----------------------------- Review by @Daphiphi - EDITED to make sure there are no spoilers. This boo...

  • Light It Up | ✔ | #2
    95.7K 2.4K 23

    Keefe's departure took a toll on Sophie. She's been in a bad place, her life spiraling downhill. Deciding that she can't stay at Foxfire for the Elite levels because everything reminds her of him. But when she unrolls in a new school because of her troubles a few year later, she's shocked to find the last person she t...

  • President of the Sophie Foster Fan Club
    256K 3.5K 43

    Keefe wakes up from a long coma in order to regain strength. Dex is stronger then him, zero muscle Dex! Struggling to lift weights is one thing, struggling to move your wrist is another. After almost dying, Keefe's struggling in order to hold onto his dignity. He's embarrassed, mortified, and doesn't understand why So...

  • Set A Torch To Flame | ✔ | #1
    133K 2.6K 21

    #13 in kotlc She only smiled up at him wading out deeper into the water. "I'm gonna go deeper than you," she teased. "In the water, or in our relationship?" He flirted back, taking after her. Sophie didn't think before she spoke. "Maybe both," she blurted, feeling her cheeks grow hot. Covering up her embarrassment alt...

  • KOTLC Oneshot Collection
    6.9K 112 10

    I needed an outlet for KOTLC fluff and all the ideas I have that I can't somehow weave into "The Matchmakers." Short and sweet. Or not sweet. No, I'm not sorry for this.

  • The Matchmakers
    56.5K 1.2K 29

    How do you decide who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Do you go with the golden boy? The hopelessly handsome one who seems to have it all. The boy who knows all your secrets and still accepts you for who you are. The boy who is your equal in every way. The boy everyone expects you to choose. Do you g...

  • The Aftermath
    55.1K 717 24

    This story takes place after Sophie has defeated the Neverseen and before the elite levels. They have also never met Lihn and Tam. Sophie has defeated the Neverseen. But what happens when the universe decides it wants Sokeefe to happen? How many coincidences? How many accidents? At what cost will it take for the univ...

  • The Foxfire Formal Ball
    145K 2.3K 17

    Sophie Foster just wants life to return to normal after the Council issued her the circlet. However, once Magnate Leto announces that Foxfire will be holding a Formal Elvin Ball, things get complicated.... Enjoy this Keeper of the Lost Cities Fanfic! All characters belong to Shannon Messenger!

  • The Truth
    11.2K 74 6

    Sophie and Fitz. Cognates, with one secret. It comes out one day, and nothing is the same. A hostage, a secret, and who's that on Sophie's Matchmaking scroll? Read to find out all this... and much more.

  • A Cognate Thing-a sophitz story
    399K 4.5K 61

    After spending a month away from one another Sophie and Fitz can't concentrate and need to figure out how much they mean to one another! **Started after Nightfall, so some character back stories are not cannon. Credit for characters goes to Shannon Messenger for the Keeper of the Lost Cities books. Read them you won't...

  • Sovereignty and Servitude
    273K 5.5K 77

    KOTLC AU Highest Ranking: #1 in Sophitz, #1 in dexiana, #1 in KOTLC, #1 in Diana, #1 in Tiana At last! The Elvin Kingdom of Evertalia as crowned a new King! King Fitzroy Avery Vacker I is a kind, and fair king, who, like his predecessors, has done nothing but good for the kingdom! However, no king is perfect without a...

  • You Fall, I Fall
    485K 7.9K 92

    KOTLC AU Highest Ranks: #1 in Sophie Foster, #1 in Fitz Vacker, #1 in keeperofthelostcities Things are finally becoming normal for Sophie Foster. The Neverseen have been inactive for months, and her cognate training with her secret crush, the dashing Fitz Vacker, is going smoothly. She's finally doing normal-elf stuff...

  • KotLC Ships
    8.6K 113 4

    These are various stories I've made since before I made an account about my ships in KotLC (I ship Sophitz, Tiana, and Denh). They're all pretty short and not really related but I wanted to share them with you now. If you haven't read Lodestar you may not want to read these because there are some spoilers. *All charac...

  • Long Lost
    9.1K 216 18

    [POSTS: DISCONTINUED ] Sophie Foster, she hasn't used that name in a long time. Long ago her parents mysteriously vanished she was raised with Humans until she was 12 then her adoptive elven parents died during the great war... because of the Council. She now is better known as the Moonlight White Bandit, she goes aro...

  • Sophitz: Meant To Be [COMPLETED]
    206K 1.8K 18

    Sophie is now in her final year of the elite levels at Foxfire, and is old enough to apply for a Matchmaking Scroll. When Sophie and the rest of the Keeper crew open their scrolls, they're shocked at what they see. New romances blossom and things change, for good.

  • Because of a Scroll | KotLC Fanfic
    197K 1.9K 26

    When the Neverseen has finally been defeated, Sophie and her friends get their Matchmaking Scrolls. Matches are made, relationships are created, and hearts are broken. But it's just another adventure in the Keeper Crew's lives.