WHEN YOU'RE GONE | "When you're gone, though I try, how can I carry on?" PART ONE | MAMMA MIA, PART TWO | MAMMA MIA - HERE WE GO AGAIN in which Clarke Williamson is reunited with her lost love.
WHEN YOU'RE GONE | "When you're gone, though I try, how can I carry on?" PART ONE | MAMMA MIA, PART TWO | MAMMA MIA - HERE WE GO AGAIN in which Clarke Williamson is reunited with her lost love.
The year is 1979 and Kira Reyes has got her whole future ahead of her, if only make it past her small town life. Then Bill Anderson shows up at the Beach Hut she works at one day, right when she thought her life was shattering apart. He doesn't help her fix the pieces, he helps her create something new. She was safe...