Scary stories and riddles
Scary stories and games to play
Main Genre: Horror (Ghosts, Occult Detective). Sub Genres: Paranormal, Short Stories. This short story series follows a 16-year-old boy named Jay Silence Trent and his many supernatural adventures. In each story, he uncovers a dangerous world of horror and violence, magic and secrets, and dreams and nightmares. Along...
{Original One Shot's} ✓ Some Nightmares, Some Real Horror - All Scary. Some Short, Some Long - Yet You Want To Read It Over And Over. Are You Scared Yet? No? You Will Be......
A collection of paranormal, horror and fantasy short stories woven around old legends, odd characters, the occasional werewolf and the darkness within, some of which have been published or picked up the odd award. There are things you cannot see unless they want to be seen, and some legends linger on despite the mod...
"Sometimes it's best to stay out where you're not welcome." Demented will chill you to the bone, for these are not your usual bedtime stories. From a son who wants to teach his mother a lesson, a deadly myth on Kingly Road, people who have a certain bizarre diet, to some of the most terrifying things your head could...