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  • A Drop Of You // Klance
    3.5K 99 8

    Keith, a hunter, is on his journey to defeat the monsters that once took part of his life. Lance, a mermaid, is trying to break free from his family that stole his life.

  • Klance: Far too close (College AU)
    20.2K 1.2K 8

    Lance starts College off with his bestie, Hunk. Next door is a moody, skull obsessed, hair-tie fanatic Art Major with too many issues with him. Unfortunately, he can't seem to get a break when they end up in the same friend group. --- This was supposed to be "Klance: A Week too Long" 's 25k views, One Shot special but...

  • Klance: Action! (Actor AU)
    35.3K 2.1K 8

    What happens when rivaling actors Keith and Lance do when they are put on the same show? With Lance wrapped around Nymas finger and Keith intent on living up to his foster brother's fame, who said they were going to get along? How on earth will they finish this show together? Warning: this story is very silly when...

  • Klance - Heat
    1.4M 37.8K 18

    1 week power-saving drill. The heats off. 3 blankets, 2 pairs have to share a bed. Lance is warm. (i was 14/15 when i wrote this, i'm now 20 and really wish i had the patience to go through and edit this story because i did my favourite character keith a HUGE injustice im so sorry my main man 😔)

  • Klance Voltron Fanfiction - Sharing Lions
    15.4K 625 3

    After the Lion switch, Lance had to adjust to Red. He had talked to Blue and gushed his heart to her, but Red seemed intimidating. Keith still had his connection to Red, even while he was piloting the Black Lion. When Lance spoke to Red, Keith could see exactly what Lance was talking about. The beaches, the family, a...

  • Behind the Mask // Klance AU
    302K 13.7K 27

    Keith is one of the smartest kids at his school, but he's never really been remotely noticed by anyone. Lance, however, is one of the most popular guys at this same school. Nobody can take their eyes away from him, including Keith, who's had a crush on Lance since the day he met him. What he doesn't know is that Lance...

  • Rivals ||Klance Voltron||
    239K 10.9K 46

    #1 in Klance Fluff #1 in Klance Smut #4 in Coming out || You don't have to say I love you to say I love you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons Cause we be making shades of purple out of red and blue || ~ For him by Troye Sivan. High school rivals Keith Kogane and Lance McClain have been fighting s...