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  • 7:15.
    25.9M 561K 49

    "7:15, that's our time."

    Ukończone   Dla dorosłych
  • 24 Hours.
    24M 689K 66

    Where a naive girl with lots of baggage and a rockstar that can't seem to think of anyone but himself fall in love over the span of 24 hours

  • Started With a Lie
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    [Watty's 2015 Winner] one lie. one fake relationship. one million problems. © 2016 Virgo Rose Edwards. trailer made by @novemberdreamer

  • young and in love
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    typical high school au in which harry and louis are high school sweethearts and harry is a bit clingy, louis isn't really happy about that. [Highest Ranking- Fanfic #138]

  • eccedentesiast // c.h
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    i don’t know this girl, i don’t know what she wants from me. i don’t know what these poems mean. i don’t know anything at all but one: i’m going to find her. ⓒ 2013, Kaira G. Self publishing ct-hood ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties...
