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  • I Like You More Than Friend //Destiel
    17.1K 1.8K 29

    Dean Winchester po tym jak zdradziła go dziewczyna, wyprowadza się chcąc zacząć wszystko od nowa. Jednak oglądnaie filmów samotnie czy po prostu samotne kolacje nie są dla niego. Postanowia poszukać współlokatora.

  • Czwartkowy klient [ZAWIESZONE]
    6.4K 674 15

    Po burzliwym rozstaniu z Lisą Braeden, Dean Winchester próbuje pozbierać swoje życie do kupy. Właśnie z tego powodu zaczyna pracę w Songs - małym sklepiku muzycznym Bobby'ego Singera. Tam, w pewne czwartkowe popołudnie, Dean poznaje nietypowego, niebieskookiego klienta. Tymczasem rozpętuje się wojna między Bobbym Sing...

  • angel grace
    92.1K 1.4K 13

    Currently on hold Updating/editing For all the kinky fucks out here. Cas uses his grace to establish his dominance over the poor, submissive, and needy Dean Winchester. They try their hardest to keep their new found dynamic (and blossoming relationship) a secret from the younger Winchester, but sometimes Castiel makes...

  • Destined (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer) Soulmate AU
    95.9K 4.3K 50

    In a world where soulmates exist , where your skin and the marks upon them are what connects you, true love appears to be reachable. But what about the other aspects to life that stand in the way? A homophobic mother? An absent father? A parent set on a goal that involves neglecting his children to reach? What about y...

  • Color My Scars [Canceled]
    22.7K 1K 26

    Angels' lives revolve around blood color. So when they go to a world where soulmates can see blood of their other half's scars, things get harder. This has Michifer, Destiel, Sabriel, and Adamandriel. If you don't like any of those then run because they all have a time to shine.

  • Split [Canceled]
    4.3K 164 13

    Castiel would commonly visit his brother, mentally that is. He couldn't find the stubborn angel to have a conversation together. The first time he saw his brother in forever was when he was half dead. The team decided to take in the injured angel only to find that the physical were just the beginning.

  • Reboot (a soulmate au) [Moved]
    892 95 12

    Do you know those simple love stories? The one that go like this "main character moves to knew school, main character meets new friend/enemy, main character becomes closer friends with the friend/enemy, they find out that they are soulmates, they get together and live happily ever after." You know, those stories. Well...

  • Crossroads But the Good Kind [Canceled]
    18.7K 1K 32

    Everyone has a soulmate. Since they are contented by soul, they are born at the same day and time, and will die the same. Everyone has something so that they can find their soulmate like a bracelet. So when two go to college and four go to high school, life will be interesting.