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  • Crimson Blue Snow
    40 0 16

    Started as a story of love... Finished in my style. ❄Amadea spent her life in complete isolation, tucked away by the melodies and voices of the performers who represented all the interaction with the people she needed. Beata, a girl from a nearby town, just happened to be in front of her house, never dreaming that the...

    Completa   Madura
  • Grimizno Plavi Sneg
    106 0 16

    Započeto kao priča o ljubavi... Završeno u mom stilu. ❄Amadea je provodila svoj život u potpunoj izolaciji, ušuškana melodijama i glasovima izvođača koji su za nju predstavljali svu interakciju sa ljudima koja joj je bila potrebna. Beata, devojka iz obližnjeg grada, slučajno se našla pred njenom kućom, ni ne sanjajući...

    Completa   Madura
  • Gold and Ash
    21 12 12

    Not wanting her father to drag her into illegal business, Asya runs away from her old life and reaches a very poor settlement. Together with her friend Emil, she will want to change something that everyone has given up on and give people around her faith in the future.

  • Zlato i pepeo
    332 38 12

    Ne želeći da je otac uvuče u ilegalne poslove, Asja beži od svog starog života i stiže do veoma siromašnog naselja. Zajedno sa svojim prijateljem Emilom ona će želeti da promeni nešto od čega su svi digli ruke i dâ ljudima oko sebe veru u budućnost.

  • Moon and Sun
    18 0 4

    Circumstances separated sisters Jin, but fate made sure their farewell won't be for forever. The only question is- could Moon and Sun both happily shine on the same sky?

  • Mesec i Sunce
    62 6 4

    Sticajem okolnosti sestre Jin bivaju razdvojene, ali se sudbina postarala da njihov rastanak ne bude zauvek. Ipak- da li Mesec i Sunce mogu srećno zajedno sijati na istom nebu?

  • The hell with luck
    19 3 3

    In a very short period of time Hjordis, from a harmonious life, came to disaster

  • Dođavola sa srećom
    48 3 3

    U kratkom vremenskom periodu Hjordis je, od skladnog života, stigla do potpune propasti

  • The Experiment of Fear
    54 0 9

    There scientists made an inhuman experiment to determine which person will first break because of fear and be the first to take her own life. Warning: disturbing scenes!

    Completa   Madura
  • Eksperiment straha
    181 21 9

    Tri naučnika su rešila da započnu nehumani eksperiment, kako bi uvideli kako strah može naterati osobu da oduzme sebi život. Upozorenje: Priča sadrži uznemirujuće scene.

    Completa   Madura
  • Magija noći
    57 10 5

    Strip o dve sestre, Filomeni i Aureliji, koje žive u selu u kome uveliko traje lov na veštice...

    Completa   Madura
  • Magic of the Night
    18 0 4

    Comics about two sisters, Aurelia and Filomena, who live in the village where witch hunt takes its victims. Anyone can be condemned and killed...

    Completa   Madura
  • Weakness
    17 0 4

    They were on the opposite sides of psyche. She helped him cross to her side, but she never got to the other side.

    Completa   Madura
  • Slaba tačka
    55 0 4

    Nalazili su se na različitim stranama psihe. Ona je njemu pomogla da pređe na drugu stranu, ali nikada nije prešla most do njegove strane.

    Completa   Madura
  • Depth of the deepest thoughts
    15 0 2

    All Shell wanted was to run away from bullies...

    Completa   Madura
  • Dubina najdubljih misli
    18 2 2

    Sve što je Šel želela je da pobegne od svojih siledžija...

    Completa   Madura
  • Fashion's Seven 2
    35 0 8

    New projects, new loves, good old seven... or, should I say six? :'(

  • Modna sedmica 2
    47 0 8

    Novi projekti, nove ljubavi, stara dobra sedmorka... Ili, možda je bolje da kažem šestica? :'(

  • Fashion's Seven
    38 0 9

    "Series" in which are intertwined fashion, love, school and psyche

  • Modna sedmica 1
    114 3 9

    ,,Serija" u kojoj su isprepletani moda, ljubav, psiha i škola

  • Breakdown of The System
    27 0 6

    At the first sight harmonic Philward family experience series of dramatic events and comes to it's end Warning: disturbing drawings of story scenes

    Completa   Madura
  • Raspad sistema
    182 9 6

    Naizgled složna porodica Filvard počinje da se raspada serijom dramatičnih događaja Upozorenje: Priča može biti potresna za neke ljude

    Completa   Madura
  • Ready For Action?! Black's diary
    69 0 10

    The last part of ,,RFA?!", written from Black's perspective. Recommend to first read ,,Ready For Action?!" & ,,Ready For Action?!- Before the End" for full experience

  • Ready For Action?! Blekin dnevnik
    66 2 10

    Poslednja priča ,,RFA" iz perspektive Black. Preporučujem prvo čitanje ,,Ready For Action?!" & ,,Ready for Action?!- Before the end" zbog lakšeg praćenja.

  • Red Stain
    31 0 7

    She was exactly that- Melody, which everyone listened to and nobody actually heard. The seemingly perfect symphony, disharmony from inside. She was like a sublime, dignified aria, and then behind her was left only a red stain as a trace of the breakdown of her notes. ..

    Completa   Madura
  • Crvena mrlja
    36 0 7

    Bila je upravo to- Melodija, koju su svi slušali a niko je zapravo nije čuo. Naizgled savršena simfonija, iznutra skup disharmonije. Bila je kao uzvišena, dostojanstvena arija, a onda je iza njenog postojanja ostajala samo crvena mrlja kao trag sloma njenih nota...

    Completa   Madura
  • Ready For Action?! Before The End
    24 0 6

    Blue, Rose, Green, Red, Black and White at the beggining of their friendship 😉 How they looked like as teens, how they met, what they thought at first and, of course, how they became best friends, all could be found in this story.

  • Ready for Action?! Pre kraja
    28 1 6

    Blue, Rose, Green, Red, Black i White na početku svog prijateljstva 😉 Koliko su se razlikovale kao tinejdžerke, kako su se upoznale i ko je imao kakvo mišljenje o kome, kao i kada su postale nerazdvojne, sve to možete pronaći u ovoj priči.

  • Ready For Action?! (SR)
    113 0 15

    Moderna priča opisuje šest devojaka koje se bave ekstremnim sportovima. U priči su usklađene moda, njihovi životi i ekstremni sportovi. Radnja? Pa, s obzirom da ih je šest, svaka od njih ima posebne događaje, ali je najvažniji deo, ujedno i deo koji ostavlja najjači utisak, poslednji gde su sve zajedno....

  • Ready for Action?! (English version)
    61 0 15

    Modern story describes six girls who do extreme sports. In the story are combined fashion, their lives and extreme sports. Plot? Well, since there are six of them, each of them has special events, but the most important part, and also a part that leaves the strongest impression, the last where they all together ....
