Melati Fay
Birthday Present JesseTaiga Drabble Fiction Selamat hari lahir beb. Selamat bereceh ria. Tiati jyjyc. Kalau mual silahkan nonton PV ANTIM(O)E
Birthday Present JesseTaiga Drabble Fiction Selamat hari lahir beb. Selamat bereceh ria. Tiati jyjyc. Kalau mual silahkan nonton PV ANTIM(O)E
Fanfic drabble mengenai Haniuda Amu, mantan Johnny's Jr. yang memutuskan untuk keluar dari Johnny's dan memilih debut bersama teman-temannya dengan membuat grup bernama ANTIME. "Ya keleus gue kaya raya kaga debut-debut! minta di kepret pake duit keknya si JE ,ga debutin sultan!" Bagaimana hubungannya dengan sang...
What if... The skaters could live the lives that they never got to fully experience? In a parallel universe, none of the skaters know how to skate. No trainings to attend, competitions to take part in, nothing. Instead, they lead ordinary high school lives, complete with homework to do, friends to make, crushes to cru...