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    701 85 1

    Vencedor do Melhor Susto no concurso Golden Pumpking! Um casarão no topo da colina. Uma garota disposta a aceitar o desafio de passar a noite em um lugar rodeado de lendas assustadoras e histórias macabras. A Casa na Colina é um conto de terror e suspense que se passa na cidade de Garopaba, no litoral sul de Santa Cat...

  • Floresta Negra
    15.3K 3.1K 33

    Vencedor de 18 prêmios literários na Plataforma Wattpad! Floresta Negra é um thriller de terror, suspense e dark fantasy, com mistério e tensão do início ao fim. A história começa em um vilarejo rural na borda de uma imensa floresta, onde coisas macabras assolam a vida dos moradores locais. Para encontrar respostas a...

  • FENÔMENO OVNI e o caso do professor Leandro Félix
    832 191 9

    1° lugar em Suspense e Mistério no concurso Estações Elementais 2° lugar na categoria Plot Twist do concurso Novos Talentos de Outono 3° lugar em Suspense no concurso Herois Menção Honrosa no concurso Magic Reading Fenômenos estranhos pairam sobre a pacata vila de pescadores em Garopaba, Santa Catarina. Um desaparecim...

  • Parallel (A Virtual Gamer's Story) [Vol.1 - Vol.4 Complete]
    1.5M 77.5K 247

    After being kidnapped and thrown into a VRMMORPG, 17-year-old Suzuki Mato must find the line between his real and in-game personalities before it kills him. ***** Following the death of his popular online persona, seventeen-year-old Suzuki Mato deci...

  • SETE - Volume I
    67.4K 2.2K 19

    (Eleita destaque em ficção científica pela equipe do Wattpad) SAIU! VERSÕES FÍSICA E DIGITAL JÁ ESTÃO À VENDA! Os capítulos são divididos em partes facilitando a leitura. LEITURA PRAZEROSA. SETE - VOLUME I Sete mulheres ao redor do mundo desmaiam ao mesmo tempo e acordam juntas num hospital em outro planeta. Elas ouve...

  • Agora eu Morro
    2.2K 237 19

    Em uma grande cidade, quatro pessoas tentam sobreviver ao terrível ano de 2033, quando grande parte dos problemas mundiais, como a falta de água e o aquecimento global, explodem junto de uma bomba de hidrogênio em Berlim. A radiação se espalha pelo mundo, e Char - uma clone prestes a morrer -, Liel - um mexicano que t...

  • Deuses e Feras
    82.3K 7.8K 97

    Em um futuro distópico, a Internet transformou-se em um instrumento de governo. Os países e nações desapareceram para dar lugar a um Estado virtual que governa a tudo e a todos por meio de dispositivos implantados nos braços dos cidadãos. Cada um deles recebe uma função e uma série de objetivos a serem cumpridos em de...

  • Miss Popper
    60.1K 5.7K 60

    Dividido em três partes, a narrativa conta a história de Alice, uma adolescente normal com seus sonhos e medos que descobre, após perder a memória em um acidente de carro, que faz parte de uma linhagem de heróis, criados com o propósito de combater o mal em algum acontecimento importante de seu tempo, mas apesar de tu...

  • Writing Great Fiction: An Introduction
    77.8K 3K 9

    Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through the chapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take no...

  • After
    7.3K 512 43

    Ryan Taylor wakes up under the dirt after a failed murder attempt. Everyone's saying it's a miracle she didn't die. The only two who don't seem confused were secretly following the people who almost killed her. Ever since the incident, Ryan starts developing strange symptoms, blacking out, and waking up in strange pla...

  • In Shado
    3.6K 186 6

    Lumen is a traverser, one of the rare few people around the world who unwittingly travels to Shado, an eerie dream dimension, in their sleep. When Lumen's two traverser friend get into a car accident, leaving one in a coma, unable to wake from Shado, they follow clues left in Lumen's mother's journals to find a safe h...

  • Psychic
    95 8 1

    All my life, I felt alone and crazy because of my gifts, so I'm publishing this so that anyone else who has similar abilities will realize that there is nothing wrong with them. As I talk about it, I find that A LOT of people have experiences with ESP--psychic abilities--but they don't say anything because of how th...

  • Writing Tips and Techniques (Writing Help)
    213K 11.8K 37

    Writing help from an English/Creative Writing major. This is practically a free writing class. It's full of useful writing tips and tricks that I've picked up in my writing career/common mistakes found while editing others' work. I hope you can find use out of this. I add to it every time I think of something else tha...

  • Crossover
    526 60 21

    Nothing is what it seems... Thalia and Mark don't know what to expect when they crossover into an alternate dimension. Their mission, at least, is clear. Find the villainous Dr. Intrigue and get back home. However they're not prepared for The Vindicators, the supposed heroes of this world, to attack them. Things only...

  • It's All Fun and Games Til Somebody Dies
    308 19 33

    A trained assassin who can perfectly mimic any move she sees A crime ring leader's son who can walk through walls A cheerleader who can lift cars like they're paper weights Mikayla, Jess, and Sadie just want to get through the school year without anybody finding out about their powers. But things get complicated when...

  • Recon
    443 17 10

    Trina has never had much hope of escaping the "school" where she was raised. But when she mysteriously falls into a coma and wakes with the ability to hear people's thoughts, she figures she just might have a chance to get out. One by one, the other students fall into comas, yet Trina senses that they won't be waking...

  • Regenerate
    10.2K 445 24

    "I've been stabbed in the heart before. I've been shot at point blank. Twice. I'm fine, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it." Thalia's pretty sure she can't die. Every time she's injured, her body heals itself. After running away from her foster family and wandering the streets of LA for several years, Thalia is rec...

  • Troublemakers
    283 41 4

    Laine Masterson, Sherriff of Hyatt County, is called to a scene of a murder. The victim is considered to be a troublemaker, but Laine is about to find out that the term troublemaker can be applied to both sides of a feud. Photo Police Line/Police Tape on cover copyright Tony Webster, used under a creative commons attr...

  • Poesias e Poemas - Amar, Curtir & Compartilhar
    17.6K 1.2K 92

    Autor da trilogia Os Filhos do Tempo, vencedor do Prêmio Wattys com 2 milhões de leituras. Convido-os à leitura em delicadeza de cativas palavras. O autor traz neste dossiê, palavras que ara na insistência da luta para manter a poesia viva, embora esquecida e rotulada por subterfúgios capazes de romper a sensibil...

  • 100 Things You Should Know About Writing (Part 3)
    5.4K 299 16

    Part 3 of 100 Things You Should Know About Writing will mainly feature writing technique, but I'm due to veer off on some other writing-related tangent. I'll make sure to keep things informative, though. If you're looking for Part 1 (which mainly dealt with creating and sustaining tension), you can find it here: http...

  • 100 Things You Should Know About Writing (Part 2)
    16.4K 1K 25

    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Part 2 of 100 Things. For those of you who've missed Part 1 (mainly dealing with the creation and sustaining of tension), you can find it here: Part 2 will mainly be about the craft of writing, or as...

  • 100 Things You Should Know About Writing (Part 1)
    73.1K 3.4K 26

    This is about writing, as I think of it. Subjects covered will range from plot aspects to characterization, writing craft to just surviving as a writer. Mainly, Part 1 is a comprehensive list of things to do in order to create and maintain tension.

  • Tips & Tricks To Improve Your Writing
    83.4K 4.8K 11

    Are you the next JK Rowling or just like to write for fun but would like some tips to improve? Then you've come to the right place. In this guide I will cover everything from title, cover, summary, first chapters, advertising, writers block and more.

  • One Hundred Fantasy Clichés That Really Need To Rest In Peace
    165K 8.7K 106

    From the same writer that pointed out some of the worst tropes in popular culture in A Hundred Clichés That Need To Die comes the much awaited sequel with a twist. See why the fantasy genre in fiction is extremely flawed and has numerous clichés that should kick the bucket.

  • What Not To Do in Your Fanfictions
    100K 3.8K 15

    Wow, look at this! Don't you hate it when your title is equivalent to your description? Because I do too. It's slightly unprofessional, just like all the other things I rant about in this book... -- PLEASE NOTE: (as of 2019) I was much younger when I wrote this book, and much of what I said isn't as well considered or...

  • How to Write a Fanfiction
    108K 4.1K 61

    Just some rant type things about what not to do in order to keep your fanfiction amazing. This will include what I often find in fanfiction that annoys me.

  • Writing Prompts
    1.5K 45 6


  • GLASSTRIX - Mundo Digital
    7.4K 420 2

    Em um mundo caótico, a única solução é "viver" em um mundo digital... OBRA GANHADORA DO 1° CONCURSO REALIZADO PELOS EMBAIXADORES @ScifiBR. CONCURSO DE UMA HISTÓRIA DE ATÉ 1000 PALAVRAS COM O TEMA: FICÇÃO CIENTÍFICA . CONFIRA:º-concurso-scifibr-1º-concurso-scifi...

  • Manipuladores do Futuro (1)
    33.4K 2.3K 28

    Sophie leva uma vida comum, nada nela destoa da vida de outras pessoas, exceto seus sonhos, mas sua família encontra uma forma de ajudá-la e a garota deixa de ser atormentada por eles... Até agora. A vida dela muda drasticamente depois de um acidente, que a deixou aflita e preocupada ao conseguir prever. Depois dis...

  • O Bisturi de Ouro
    35.8K 1.1K 13

    Eduardo é um garoto pobre, com problemas de dores reumáticas, cuja família emigra da Suíça para tentar uma nova chance no Brasil. Na última metade do século vinte, as indústrias da cidade de Monte Belo, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, precisam de mão de obra barata. Elas constroem vilas operárias onde os imigrantes podem...
