Raspberry Breath
A collection of poems I've written in the last few months, which brutally took my breath away. I was dying. I was dying until you breathed the life back into me and it tasted like raspberries.
A collection of poems I've written in the last few months, which brutally took my breath away. I was dying. I was dying until you breathed the life back into me and it tasted like raspberries.
when he talks down on me. this one is for him. let me give you this at least.
Motýle mi zašepkali, že si dnes stratil kúsok seba v kvapke krvi. A tak som tu, aby som tvoje srdce naplnila späť tou čírou láskou, čo z teba tak nebadane ubúda a zacelila všetky trhliny, ktoré sa vytvorili žalostnými tónmi, hranými okolitým svetom priamo tebe do duše. A viem, že moje srdce nie je také veľké ako ko...