1964 - mclennon fic
John liked Paul. That much was obvious to everyone close to the boys. but not to Paul. can they ever trade the unrequented love for a relationship?
John liked Paul. That much was obvious to everyone close to the boys. but not to Paul. can they ever trade the unrequented love for a relationship?
~ (modern au Mclennon and Starrison) Socialite Paul McCartney and his socially awkward mate George Harrison have been living a comfortable life until it is thrown out of loop when the vibrant John Lennon and Unique Ringo Starr enter it. (Modern au rotating updates with my other two on going fics)
John didn't move for a good minute or two. Then he set down his guitar and stood up. He walked over and sat down on the edge of Paul's bed and cupped the younger boy's face in his hands. "Paulie, listen to me. I'm in love with you. You. You, and no one else. I will never love someone the way I love you. Nor will I lov...
Spinoff of Illegal Love (but I guess it could be read on its own) with one shots from the Beatles' daily lives together. Mclennon and Starrison. CONTAINS SMUT because people want it
Paul had strange feelings whenever he was was around John. something that felt like love. But Paul wasn't sure how to deal with these feelings. even if he did like John..more than friends, how would John react? Would he hate him?