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  • Lilac's Poems
    10 3 3

    These are some of the poems I've written, SOME ARE DARK just a warning. I wrote most of them when I was really down. But I have a lot of amazing I people in my life that bring me out of it. I promise!

  • Heir to the Ice Queen (Book 1)
    177K 11.4K 34

    The land is always covered in snow, so how can anything - let alone anyone - survive there? They don't. At least not without the Ice Queen's permission. It's her land that goes on for miles, her power that she gains from the cold, and her wickedness that has kept her the most feared living thing for over a t...

  • Queen of Summer's Ice (Book 2)
    79K 5.8K 54

    It's been five years since Evie has taken the throne, and still there has been no improvement in bringing the Spring and Fall courts to trust her. It has actually gotten worst, they've united against her and the Summer court, refusing to trade any longer. Evie has pleaded with them and has tried to show the stubborn r...

  • Set it Off MEMES ⟠
    80.9K 5K 102

    The title says it all... ⟠⟠⟠ plus i made most of them cause Set it Off needs attention

  • Through His Eyes
    10.2M 463K 35

    What do you think would happen if you started seeing glimpses through your soulmate's eyes, knowing you're due to meet them in a week? [Book #1 of The Soulmate Series] © felicitate | 2015

  • To Touch A Soul [On Hold]
    221K 11.2K 6

    Imagine living your life waiting for a single touch-a touch that will change everything. [Book #2 of the Soulmate Series] ©felicitate | 2015

  • The Powershifter
    115K 10.2K 56

    (Author's Note:) I could not decide what I should say about this book. If you like any type of shapeshifter then you will most likely enjoy this book. [Read tags to get an idea of the story.] _________________________ Book Intro: The day Shakti received her new abilities was the day she became something stronger than...

  • Silent Heroes: Wildcat
    5.9M 262K 52

    "What the hell?" I took a step closer to the mirror, staring at my reflection in disbelief. The person looking back was still me, but at the same time it wasn't. I had the same thick, dark, curly hair. The same hazel eyes. The same olive skin with a light dusting of freckles (ugh) scattered across the bridge of my...

  • With the Blood of a Dragon
    70.3K 4.3K 20

    Just one drink of dragons blood. That's all that's needed to alter your DNA forever. One drink of blood will allow you to change into one animal at any point. But only one. Your spirit animal. "I take a sip of the red liquid in the golden cup and the crowd gasps. I instantly feel the change. I look down at my scales...

  • The Gryphon's Bond
    589K 41.1K 30

    Edited by @KelseyDragon17 Anna lives in a world where by the time they turn eighteen, every man and woman must have a beast bond. Those of them left unbonded are cast out of the city, deemed violent and insane; for if even a rat will not lower itself to bond with you, you must be the lowest of the low. Anna has lived...

  • Panther and the Grey Dragon
    150K 5K 19

    This story is about shifters who become most unlikely mates you'll ever see. Bianca has been on her own with her Uncle for five years. She kind and caring loves to read or swim. But when angry she is scary even if it only lasts for a few minutes. Her family left her when she turned at the age of 13. It is just the way...

  • The shapeshifter
    93.9K 3.8K 26

    Everyone thinks Saphira is a regular girl but she's not. Yes, she goes to a school for mortals, wears mortal things and does mortal activities but she technically isn't a mortal. Saphira has grown up in a world that is split in half. On one side of the fenced border, there are humans, on the other dangerous magical c...