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  • Which Half? (Poem)
    19.4K 1.8K 1

    In which there is a debate between an optimist and a pessimist. If you don't know what either means, don't be embarrassed. An optimist always thinks that the world is full of hope. The pessimist will just shake his head and say, "Nope". So do you think it's right to believe everything is great every day? Or see th...

  • Origami (Poem)
    14.1K 1.1K 1

    What if the only thing you have left is just a piece of paper? Well, more of a whole stack of papers, a thousand to be exact. Origami is the only thing for the one who folds again and again, one paper bird at a time. It's the only hope this person has who has fallen into the depression of knowing nothing will ever cha...

  • Who's Superman? (Poem)
    11.6K 1.2K 1

    Who's Superman? Was the question a little kid asked me. And all I could say was that there's no such thing as a Superman. He's just a fictional character with supernatural powers. He's not real, he's made up. But then who will save us when we're in trouble? I didn't have an answer for that.
