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  • 【Breddy】風流跡
    3.5K 127 8

    從香港大學畢業那年,楊博堯奉父母之命與陳韋丞結婚。亂世中人身不由己,生在富貴人家,婚姻註定牽系利益,故他未曾奢求兩情相悅的感情,直到那日在半島酒店門口與陳韋丞相逢,從此淪陷。 他暗暗發誓,絕不會讓韋丞活在「縱然是齊眉舉案,到底意難平」的遺憾裡。在這座城的聲色犬馬中,他想為韋丞守住一片安定。 -是BE不是EB,後期會有R18情節,慎入 -民國香港背景,富家少爺x富家少爺 -先婚後愛(應該會比較狗血 ps:應該會有大量與歷史不符的情節&描述,大家多包涵TvT 封面圖來自多多❤️ instagram: @duoduo.joan

  • Help!
    176K 5.8K 61

    so, apparently this is going to be a couple of oneshots now bc apparently, I cannot help myself.

  • 《The Height Difference》
    780 7 1

    EB,有肉,R18 身高差&身型差最高~

  • 慾望之秋
    337 2 1

    說起秋天,總會想起慾望之秋。在情迷意亂の秋夜,到底Eddy和Brett會產生什麼化學反應? . 文章接龍by 一眾香港twosetter 文筆差請勿見怪!

  • 情色實驗室
    169 3 1


  • Breddy
    1.3K 17 3

    Breedy集中 標題無能 沒有考據

  • 小提琴日常
    27.3K 188 30

    2020/7/19 更名為小提琴日常 鑒於全球風波所以回到澳洲只好繼續褻瀆腦補惹 封面還是新加坡就是了,好想去新加坡玩 -------------------------------------------- 其實也是小廢文 但因為已經完全跳脫了澳洲感(?)所以想用一個新的 褻瀆的腦補+預測Breddy新加坡日常 *文章會看時間線調整順序

  • 1.6K 26 1


  • 《好想看中提琴E跟一提B搞在一起!》
    3.1K 19 4


  • 一發完短篇甜餅合集
    10.7K 147 18


  • 各種短篇大雜燴(洛璃ㄉ冰箱)
    4.6K 105 8


  • Breddy shorts
    6.2K 225 3

    I'm not a writer be gentle on me I'm not a writer but I love breddy

  • 'tis the season (to love you)
    68.6K 3.4K 21

    In which Brett concocts a plan that is definitely foolproof, Eddy becomes weirdly overcommitted to this fake boyfriend thing, and the boys conduct a masterclass in acting while lying to Absolutely Everyone. (Nah, everyone totally knows.) Or: the Christmas fake dating!AU that no one asked for, and the plot bunny that w...

  • Closer
    430K 19.3K 200

    Yet another sin of mine. There will be quite a few nsfw chapters, probably, and some angst

    Completed   Mature
  • the rhythm our heart plays {breddy; twosetviolin fanfiction}
    93.5K 2.9K 18

    For Eddy, his friendship with Brett is irreplaceable. He can't ever risk losing something that important, whether his own stupid selfish feelings have a say in it or not. Unfortunately for him...the universe seems to be hell bent on making his affections for Brett nearly impossible to ignore. Not even ling ling can s...

  • 製作人x小羊
    29.4K 237 17


  • twoset memes
    22.9K 953 16

    Some memes of twosetviolin that I made when I should've been doing something else. Sorry if they're cringe. I'm an amateur.

  • au合集
    2.9K 36 3

    短小不精悍 有肉有糖單發完

  • 短打集
    11K 100 10


  • 無所訴衷腸
    459 8 2

    Brett原本覺得很麻煩的事情,後來忽然發現其實沒那麼複雜。 Eddy/Brett 先後有意義 ABO 沒有肉 Eddy是alpha Brett是beta

  • Breddy短篇合輯
    4K 66 7

    Instagram : @twosetnose_ber 12月份一句話短篇之1 我很懶 更新很慢 手寫完打電子檔好麻煩🔥💎

  • 一發完肉合集
    17.4K 177 10


  • 小提琴小廢文
    22.9K 328 45

    小小小短短文 包含各種許願和借繪師的圖發想的短小廢文 除非有特別註明不然都是已經在一起

  • 小提琴們
    3.4K 43 5

    謹獻給我心中的楊博堯和陳韋丞。 *除非有特別註明,不然都是預設兩人已在一起 *以搬運前期文章為主,後期會依照當初發布日調整順序

  • Violins in Howgawart
    21.9K 592 29

    *HP AU,Breddy和他們的小夥伴放進HP世界觀 *努力連載中,不保證不坑 *除了人名以外,其他HP人名和名詞皆使用台灣翻譯版本 *角色屬於他們自己、背景屬於羅琳阿姨,OOC屬於我

  • How wizard play the violin?
    436 11 1

    Harry Potter AU,EB清水無差,兩個華裔古典宅巫師的校園零碎日常。 現為單篇完結,以後可能還會更小短篇。

  • ♩≠60
    968 35 1

    「希望與你相處的每一分鐘都比60秒更加長久」 EBE清水無差,4k字一發完

  • 一些零散的短篇
    13.6K 163 13

    一些突如其來的腦洞 不定期更新 TwoSet Violin breddy

  • lullaby
    56.7K 1.8K 22

    Twoset Violin's Brett and Eddy Fanfiction. ❤️🎻 Ten years after a trip to the beach, that changed the violinists relationship for ever, Brett and Eddy work on his channel, practice...and dealing with their emotions. *** Note: English is not my native language, let me know of any kind of grammar/mistake/confussion you...
