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  • "Who. Hurt. You." TheFamousFilms ff
    95.1K 2.4K 32

    What if every time one of Bryan's animatronics get hurt, so does Bryan? What if it was in such a way that no one would notice except him? #1-thefamousfilms #1-bryanfilms

  • It's to late...(The famousfilms Depressed Bryan au)On Hold!
    38.4K 701 26

    I'm guessing your late heh *(you hear sad laughing coming from outside)*

  • The Films Family
    21.4K 587 17

    Bryan never spoke about his family. The others ever understood why. Then Bryan disappeared for a month. He then emailed Jon something cryptic. '1915 Oriental Ave Films Estate Millburrow Illinois Come get me'

  • Baby BRYAN
    23.4K 594 10

    What happens if Bryan got turn into a baby? let's find out.

  • Bryan X Molten
    17.4K 351 33

    This is a never ending tragedy for Bryan Molten and Bryan are starting to fall in love with each other but won't admit

  • The One in Control
    46.1K 633 28

    The Picture of the story was made by @Raybean_01 Bryan has a little serect or should I Say~

  • They don't need me (the famous films AU)
    47.3K 907 16

    I'm to lazy to make a description

  • SCP-Bryan 《Complete》
    36.8K 860 15

    This is partly based on thefamousfilms video but its its mostly my version. Also don't now many names of SCP'S so sorry if they are wrong.

  • Thefamousfilms Oneshots
    37.3K 262 8

    I'm gonna have a bunch of nosebleeds with this

  • (Cancelled)Fazbears Fright Springtrap x Ersa
    1.9K 26 9

    Ersa recently got hired at a fright location but she didn't know animatronics were from a different Au but she recently falls for the evilest animatronics there but would she be able to save herself and them without blowing up the location we will see! Ranks 8# fazbearfright 1# fazbearfright

  • Molten X Bryan
    1.3K 29 1

    A ship between a Human and a robot.. wonder how this is going to end huh? we'll find out soon..

  • Ticcimask our love is true
    13.8K 259 4

    Don't read this, this is shameless smut. Tbh people are reading this shit anyways.

  • Animtronics mistakes
    42.9K 1.1K 12

    The animtronics always thought everything was fine with Bryan , and what he was saying didn't mean anything to them. What happens when they fine out that bryan tryed to kill himself? Lets find out.

  • Behide the smile
    44.8K 1.2K 17

    Bryan was always the one to bring people up and make everyone including his animtronics happy. Through no one has done that for Bryan when he feels down and depressed. So he hides is pain with a smile . Through putting on a mask can only do so much for one person .

    111K 3.1K 205

    Hi i know ive been on a while but never made a story welp now i am. Summary: Bryan was goinng into the pizzeria when he heard something that broke him. Ever since that day he has never been the same

  • Bryan's Father. . .
    36K 865 12

    Bryan was always happy. His anmatronics had hardly ever seen him sad or angry, that was... Until someone came to the Theme Park to see Bryan... And they soon learn about Bryan's childhood...

  • I'm Broken...?
    27K 715 10

    Bryan had a secret. He was known as the happy, reckless and caring owner that his anmatronics all knew! But... Bryan always had a secret... And it was a simple trick.... A simple convincing... Smile.

  • Nobody cares about me
    35.8K 935 14

    Bryan suicide himself cause he felt unwanted by his animatronics. what happens when his souls goes into the animatronic that he made for himself. He see that his friends beside neddbear wasn't affected by his death, in fact they were doing better with out him . what happens when Bryan wants to get revenge on his ani...

  • A Distent Memory. . .
    19.7K 480 8

    Bryan was cleaning up his house when he came across an old album... He decided to show his friends but... What he didn't know... They all ready knew who was in the photos...

  • I'm done
    12.5K 236 3

    This is the re written version of enough Any and all warnings will be in the chapter these in like cussing and violence Bryan only has ever wanted to help and care for his animatronics. But they make fun of him and treat him bad. Baby is trying to figure out what is wrong with Bryan but the others are pushing Bryan a...

  • Mystical creatures
    12.3K 371 9

    Creatures will never show themselves to humans..... Bryan hides the fact that he's one of those creatures..... He didn't know there were more creatures like him

  • Behind the mask
    42.9K 888 17

    Bryan was born emotionaless . He faked having normal . But what happens when his animatronics find out?

  • TheFamousFilms- The Hidden Truth
    49.7K 1.1K 36

    Bryan was just running his pizzeria on what he thought to be a normal day until he heard in on a conversation that he was not supposed to hear. That is when everything changed. Loosely based of TheFamousFilms FNaF 6 by agrace932 (The whole doctor concept, and Bryan being William's son)

  • TheFamousFilms X Molten Freddy
    32.4K 706 28

    This is a fan made story of a YouTuber that does a Minecraft role play for FNAF 6. This does not follow his story line, the only thing similar would be the characters. Go visit TheFamousFilms / Jon Jon and all their voice actors on YouTube! Edit (2022): this story was sorta a joke- at the time I made this there was a...

  • (ON HOLD) The Famous Flims x Molten Freddy
    17.1K 429 40

    Bryan has been acting like himself when he was in high school and he's afraid that his other self is trying to take control once again. Molten Freddy has been concerned for Bryan. But can Bryan keep his powers a secret and his other self from his friends and spring trap. Well, see for yourself.

  • Thefamousfilms Oneshots (ON HOLD)
    145K 2K 57

    THIS COVER IS SO COOL!It's not mine it belongs to I believe "idoartzz" I found it on Deskgram and I absolutely love it!Also yeah this is a book about you know ships in Thefamousfilms and you are allowed to make request if you want.So yeah that's about it so see yeah soon!

  • Trying to hide secrets
    24.3K 568 92

    *before you read this im bad a spelling and i have bad story telling moving on* Bryan the narcissistic brat molten and springtrap are after.....all people and robots see him as a narcissistic self loving brat, some can look past that though *cough cough*his animatronics and jon i guess *cough cough* but what happens w...

  • The Pain Of Remembrance
    67.1K 1.6K 18

    His head pounded. He couldn't move. "Brayn!" Helpy screamed running to the fallen man. His body was mangled. Broken. "Bryan I'm sorry!" He could feel blood pooling into his lungs. "Helpy! Call a amubulance!"

  • Bryan x Molten Freddy
    62.3K 878 30

    This is based off Thefamousfilms' Fnaf 6 roleplay. I am sorry but there is going to be some mature stuff in this, and I'm too tired to care these days. Just gotta say I DO NOT OWN FNAF AT ALL!!!!! Welp read at your own risk last warning SEE YA!

  • bryan's Secret(Discontinued maybe)
    15.5K 315 19

    I was board and this is my first story