Wolf of Ice - Dragon of Fire
Fanfic, Alternative game of thrones: Robb + Daenerys = Seven Kingdoms total war.
Fanfic, Alternative game of thrones: Robb + Daenerys = Seven Kingdoms total war.
What if Lysa Arryn sent Sansa Stark to the Wall rather than risk her seducing Petyr Baelish? What if Jon returns from Hardhome to find her waiting for him? What if Daenerys returns to Westeros to find her brother's secret son claiming for the throne? Jon Snow works to bring Westeros together under one banner to sur...
Jon awaits the world's fate in the Godswood of Winterfell, preparing to lead the last of humanity in a final battle against the Others and is finally told the truth about his parentage.
Lyanna Stark had twins instead of one child Jon and his sister Jasmine. The stories about Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapping and raping her are true but Rhaegar didn't just kidnap Lyanna he took her away from her husband Jon and Jasmine's step-father Mance Rayder. On the night of the feast between Lannisters and the Starks...
My take on season 8 of #GameofThrones. Winter is coming to Westeros as Daenerys and Jon go North to fight the great threat. The Night king's army grows larger and stronger, the days get colder and the nights darker. Arya, Bran and Sansa struggle to keep Winterfell under control as famine and illness slowly takes over...
I am having major Game of Thrones withdrawals like most of the world. I wanted Jon to be king, find a wife and have a family. So I made a story of my own. Jon killed Daenerys and became King of the 7 kingdoms. The capital is rebuilt. The people love their new king but the pressure is on to produce heirs. First, Jon ha...
The songs tell a story of a great King and Queen. They speak of their goodness, their fairness, and their bravery during the Long Night. None speak of the dark secrets buried deeper than the crypts. Secrets of how they defeated their enemies, protected eachother, and shared a once-thought forbidden love. Each chapt...
Jon and Sansa find themselves stifling dangerous- daresay, romantic- feelings for one another following their successful recapture of Winterfell and Jon's recent crowning as King in the North. Experience a detailed look at life at Winterfell following the Battle Of The Bastards with the spotlight on a growing JonxSans...
This is a modified version the 'Battle of Winterfell' (GOT S08E03) which I wrote to give life to one of the fan theories I felt was highly intriguing. The story picks up from the scene where the Night King and Daenerys have their confrontation. I have taken some liberties regarding how some supernatural elements of...
Modern Urban Fantasy AU featuring Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. Sansa has been trying to keep her family together after the death of her step-father. Now, her younger brother has been a victim of gun violence and lost the use of his legs. She rarely sees her step-cousin Jon Snow or her older half-brother Robb. Jon Snow...
Daenarys Targaryen has turn into the mad queen and has burn King's Landing. Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen was one of the victims. but he didn't die, instead, he woke up the day of his resurrection I don't own Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, they belong to George R R Maritin.
Jon's thoughts on what's supposed to be one of the most memerable moments of his life.
Written for the JonSa Spring Challenge Jon and Sansa work toward rebuilding a modern Westeros that has been ravaged by the war against the Dead and the war of Queens. To shape a better world, they must confront their own demons. Sunday 1st April - FOOLS Monday 2nd April - Choose a dialogue prompt from THIS LIST "It'...
Jon is killed by Daenarys when she burn king's Landing and he wakes up in his body of a baby. He realizes he is reborn and he needs to take his place on the Iron Throne before anything happens. He may not wanted it but needs to do it. I don't own anything. Everything belongs to George R R Maritin
Robb made a promise that he would never force her to marry, yet, Sansa knew that she can't always escape her duty. She already resigned to the fate of having another loveless political union with one of Robb's governors or advisors. Then came Jon. Based on the valar-morekinks prompt: "Star-crossed lovers in t...
No one knows where the child came from. All they knew was that the Queen in the North kept him close and treated him like her own son. Some whispered that he was her real son, the loudest were the voices from the Lords of the Six Kingdoms. But King Bran the Broken refused to say if he was or wasn't. "When it come...
Imagined scenes for Game of Thrones Season 8 Jon returns to Winterfell with new allies to find his family waiting for him. Together they must fight their enemies.
"Oaths and Vows and Prayers, all things said before Gods and Kings and people called our betters. They're all Just words. They're all just promises. They're all just meant to be broken." Ser Jaime Lannister, The Kingslayer. Lady Megara Emrys, The Silent one. A girl from a House with more power than any other - but the...
Victoria is just a girl, or so she thought. She is Tywin's most prized possession; his reason for change. Follow her journey through love and the game of life, in The Other Lannister. After some hard thinking I've realized I lost inspiration for this story; so sadly I've made the tough decision to discontinue. Apologi...
Benjen has a daughter who has proven to herself and others that she is the best warrior in the Northern Kingdom in a time when women were not supposed to be warriors. The North still resent the Southern Kingdoms but have had to live under their rule for more than three hundred years.
After Robert's rebellion, Arthur Dayne travels with his sister and Ned Stark to Winterfell with the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen. Meanwhile Queen Rhaella flees to Essos with her children and Ser Willem Darry swearing that she will come back one day bringing fire and blood against her enemies. Not the best with su...