Imagines Book | Escape from Ashwood Manor
When Wattpad and Simon & Schuster get together to publish a book centered around our favorite celebrities, you know you're in for a wild ride. Here's my side of the story with a pinch of English charm.
When Wattpad and Simon & Schuster get together to publish a book centered around our favorite celebrities, you know you're in for a wild ride. Here's my side of the story with a pinch of English charm.
I'm a bored being that doesn't feel like writing right now. So if y'all want, I will be glad to make you a cover (that's if you want.) No payment. Just a thanks (or a shoutout) either one will do 😄 I'm aware I don't make the best covers in the world but I will try to do my best to make it look good 🌟 Before I forge...
Since 2013, this Wattpad Guide has offered writers, just like you, helpful writing tips & techniques, across 60+ chapters, to improve your writing ability and Wattpad success.
Coming up with five adjectives to describe your character barely scratches the surface. In order to make your character figuratively come alive, you'll need to know them better than they know themselves. The exercises in this book will make you think about your characters in ways you never have before.