Shrek X Virus
I uploaded this once but it was taken down haha. Can we plz blow this up like shrek x Jesus. I know this shit is serious but I wanted to make something light hearted❤️
I uploaded this once but it was taken down haha. Can we plz blow this up like shrek x Jesus. I know this shit is serious but I wanted to make something light hearted❤️
Is a mEmE BoiiiIiis get rekt. Fuk wit me and get succ aah lol rotfl bich. #m8noh8 lemme smash o no fam like ?
About three things I was absolutely positive. First, the hot guy's name was Farquaad. Second, there was a part of me that wanted him to farq me. Third, onions. Shrek X farquaad :) K this story might be a joke but Shrek definitely isn't.