Funny Texts and Jokes
Just a bunch of funny texts and jokes. I've gotten them online and offline.
Just a bunch of funny texts and jokes. I've gotten them online and offline.
Massacre, a Seven-Star harder level- and redeemed murderer- horrifyingly finds out about the hidden cruelties and injustices of Industria. [The book cover picture is from a GD level, Lumina, which I highly recommend you check out if you have a good device! I'm planning on designing my own book cover but that will be d...
These are beatmanji danger cards if they came too life! These levels can destroy citys, countries, OR EVEN EARTH!
These levels are from the demonlist. they can be smart, or they can be idiots. And yes. Ships, crushes, and dates are included!
My book of Geometry Dash art I drew because I like drawing Geometry Dash levels.
GD ask! ASK THEM ALL! I can answer not only Wattpad questions, but actually Twitter questions! ST-Stereo Madness BOT-Back On Track TSS-The Seven Seas PG-Polargeist DO-Dry Out VA-Viking Arena BAB-Base After Base CLG-Cant Let Go AR-Airborne Robots J-Jumper TM-Time Machine C-Cycles xS-xStep CF-Clutterfunk ToE-Theory of...
So I tried to write a fanfic about GD but it sucked like hell and got deleted by me in the end, and so I present you with this! A corny series of real-life events in the game that will, hopefully, make you chuckle just a little bit. EDIT: Suckish covers are suckish! EDIT 2.0: There we go. Finally, no more suckish cove...