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  • Legolas x Reader Imagines
    85.9K 1.1K 14

    A collection of cute stories, scenarios, and moments involving our beautiful blonde prince (A.K.A. Legolas) Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy! ¬¬¬ Requests: C L O S E D

  • The Item of Many Items
    18.2K 1.3K 74

    Oh, goodness. You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. But, if this is what you seek, so be it. Watch out, for great complex puzzles lie in ambush. I actually don't know where I'm going with this, but to put it simply, welcome to my book of haphazard life incidents. Anyway. Don't blame me if something happe...

  • The Hobbit and Facebook
    9.8K 638 13

    What if Thorin, Fili, Kili, Bilbo, Gandalf, Legolas, Tauriel, Thranduil, Bofur, Bifor, Bombur, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Dori, Dwalin, Balin, Smaug and many others from The Hobbit joined Facebook? And what if they start to date their fangirls? Check it out in this book!! And join the fangirls!! Places are still open, re...

  • What Actually Happened With Thorin in Mirkwood
    37.6K 2.4K 21

    Thorin Oakenshield and Co. show up in Mirkwood. But after being arrested, the sassy Elvenking and his son have a few words for them.

  • Lord of the Rings Chatroom (Now with Hobbit)
    245K 8.3K 96

    Warning: This is NOT a serious piece of literature! This is a (hopefully) funny chatroom story, with the Lord of the Rings characters! If you want a bit of a laugh, read on. If you want a structured critical essay, why the hell are you on Wattpad? - NOW WITH HOBBIT CHARACTERS!!! - At chat 50, I added in some bonus...
