Bond (Drarry)
"Marriage isnt about about a's about trust." cover: me (:
"Marriage isnt about about a's about trust." cover: me (:
The news is out and it's become official! Matthew has a boyfriend, and a hint of jealousy is in the air.
UWAGA! Zamieszczone zwroty mogą urazić poszczególnych czytelników. Jeżeli nie akceptujesz wyrazów rasizmu, homofobii, wulgaryzmów, przemocy, oraz antysemityzmu - nie czytaj tego. Z resztą, Big Mouth również nie oglądaj. To małe miasteczko niedaleko Nowego Yorku tętni nowym życiem. Jay i Matthew jako bezmyślne dzieci...
A high school where one boy can't be stopped. A high school where the "darkness" rules over. Meet Draco, the prince of darkness to this school. He does what he wants when he wants and no one is there to stop him. Until one day the new kid, a raven haired boy, turns out to be his new neighbor. This is a muggle A.U. to...