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  • 100 Yellow Doors
    27.6K 3.6K 63

    Iman's insides were turning to clouds again. Julien asked her, ducking his head and looking at her from underneath his eyelashes, "Am I happy in your present, Im?" She hesitated. "I don't know," she said, but she had no way to know if he heard it, because by then time had already called her back. ---- Time is a diff...

  • Wicked (WICKED #1) | ✓
    6.2M 255K 54

    "What, you don't think I'm a bad boy?" "We're in an camp for delinquents. They're all bad boys here." FIRST BOOK IN THE WICKED SERIES

  • Trouble In Paradise
    74.6K 3.5K 60

    What happens when you're waiting for your favourite latte in your favourite cafe and suddenly there are people in suspicious, ridiculous masks who want to rob the cafe and decide that it would be a good idea to hold a gun to your head? Simple.Your life changes. Well, kinda. Meet Aria Miller. 17, chocoholic, freakish...

  • His Little Mischief
    7.6M 277K 37

    They say opposites attract. But what happens when a rogue and an Alpha who both crave chaos end up being mates? It seems like Moon Goddess has made her first mistake. ______ I tilt my head, scrutinizing him. He did the same. A frown tugs on my lips. He did the same. "Copycat," I breathed out. A smile reaches his fac...

  • Little Miss Artist
    258K 14K 57

    "You're so cute," he leaves a soft kiss on my shoulder, "and beautiful," he buries his nose in my hair, planting another kiss against my neck, "and incredibly smart," he smiles against my skin, moving slightly to tilt my head, "and finally mine." And then his lips are on mine. ••• Three years ago, Aria Brooks became...

  • Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓
    2.1M 30.6K 53

    "There's this whole school of delinquents here and yet you still manage to piss me off the most." "I like you too, you idiot." SECOND BOOK IN THE WICKED SERIES

  • Saints (SAINTS #1) | ✓
    1.1M 61.6K 56

    "What do you mean I'm stuck with the seven deadly sins? I'm a saint!" "You've been about seven minutes in hell and have managed to insult eight people already, Jasmina." "Fuck off, wannabe Satan."
