part-time workers | bts crackfic
7 unordinary workers at a normal grocery store featuring their everyday antics - crackfic
7 unordinary workers at a normal grocery store featuring their everyday antics - crackfic
On July 6th, in celebration of National Fried Chicken Day: Namjoon SEEMS calm but is lowkey having a mental breakdown. Jin is silent along with Hoseok, and Yoongi looks like his head will bust out in flames any second now. Taehyung's a blind moron that can't read the situation, while Jimin's a floundering goldfish w...
"so im kim taehyung, one of the employees in this crappy grocery store. this job pays but everyone here is so stupid and annoying. you know the ones that came here before me? yeah i hate them all, their all a bunch of shitty fucktar- i mean great employees to be around with. they are all so caring about each other and...
"So why did you choose to major in acting?" "I'm good at hiding my emotions" he shrugged. " know acting is about expressing your emotions right?" "..." "What's your point?"