تحديد الكل
  • Choosing Star
    115 37 12

    "Jorden I'm going to be very frank with you. If it wasn't obvious already, let me make it obvious. I like you, I like you alot.." okay maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt but oh well. "...and I'm not going to pretend that your sleeping around with different girls doesn't hurt me because it does but I'm not going to b...

    55 12 4

    I was not the same again on knowing that all the hopes l had with him had become the prevailing winds that the wicked ones enjoyed.🤔🤔 No way I would ever love May . I wish l was there with him, may be it would have been the opposite.Will things ever be the same after all the tragedy? 🧟🧟 Darkness overheads all the...

  • The Connection
    115 109 10

    Laura Michael's is starting a new life in carlifornia. She I s quite antisocial so she barely knows how to make freinds.depending on where her family is from "Maine".her life miserably changed after she met the "popular boy at school". guys stay up reading this novel am going to be updating more of them soon ty😉