the tragic story of taehyung, who is faced with a dire dilemma: to support his father lucifer's apocalyptic plans to rid the world of humanity or to abandon this realm for his home in heaven. / ongoing (heavily editing.)
the tragic story of taehyung, who is faced with a dire dilemma: to support his father lucifer's apocalyptic plans to rid the world of humanity or to abandon this realm for his home in heaven. / ongoing (heavily editing.)
You, a fan, are dead and haunt BTS. Being involved in an accidental hit-and-run by the boys' tour bus on your birthday wasn't how you planned on dying. But it happened. A confused ghost you were, failing to find its place, you did what you could do and followed them back. You don't know why, but you targeted your bia...
We're so back. Check the most recent authors note. I missed this book dearly. I hope you all enjoy what's to come.