Pilih semua
  • Lovers And the Dead
    93.8K 2.7K 42

    Rosemary is back home visiting her family when a deadly virus breaks out across the world. With most of humanity turned into zombies, the survivors group together creating an unbreakable team to survive the apocalypse. Can Rosemary handle eight men and an apocalypse? Read free until December 20th. Find paperback and f...

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  • The Vampire Next Door
    13.8M 418K 36

    He had spent centuries with only himself for company, he fed, tortured and killed that was his life and he liked it that way, until she came along and stirred something in him, something he couldn't and wouldn't accept. “If I were you I’d keep that stake sharp. Don’t expect anymore visits like this, next time I come I...

  • Noticed (Yandere!Male x Male!Reader)
    453K 16K 17

    Y/n mistakenly befriends a yandere. A yandere who is totally straight and stalking some poor girl by the name of Miho. And so, Y/n stalks the stalker... (just to make sure things don't get too out of hand.) Their second year, however, changes the game. A transfer student notices the conservative, relatively friendless...

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  • Urban Legends
    1.1M 36.3K 156

    Urban legends and myths from around the world will be published here.