The Echoes of the Heart: A Tale of...by Yikunoamlak M.
It is a story inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." Set in the vibrant city of Addis Ababa, it follows the protagonist, Amare, who carries the w...
Whispers of Cedarwood: A Love Reki...by IZYDAM
In the quaint town of Cedarwood, where memories linger like echoes, Emma and Jake find themselves entwined in a tale of love's reawakening. As they navigate the delicate...
Echoes Of The Heart by Triumphant Udumeighe
Echoes of the Heart💘
This title captures the emotional journey and the lingering impact of Emory's experiences, while also reflecting the growth and resonance of her ne...
Echoes Of The Heartby RomSamrah266
"Echoes of the Heart" follows Haeun (하은), a young woman known for her cold and distant demeanor. Beneath her frosty exterior lies a history of hurt and a heart...