#1׺×u͓̽n͓̽k͓̽n͓̽o͓̽w͓̽n͓̽.g͓̽r͓̽o͓̽...by ᖫჯჯჯͲ͢͢͢ƐហͲȺ↻įටហᖭ3K25216This is a story about a group of high schoolers who want to keep their inner selfs a secret from people who they believe dont deserve to know the real them yet little do...dramabadstokeleystrokes+22 more #2' friends to lovers .by _topnotchem3513"We go together well like we caramel and chocolate"teenaboogiewithahoodieflorida+4 more #3Artist🔥( a boogie story)by sheinlovewithkblast1201#a boogie # friendship # love story #future love ❤️❤️heartaboogiewithahoodieblast+6 more