#1max pees on pheobe by Albert Moore46433a sexy. storymayaleclarkkirakosarinjackgriffo+5 more #2TROUBLE BETWEEN. THE THUNDERMANS by Albert Moore9903Max and pheobe fight and arguechristallmanmayaleclarkdeagiovelequze+5 more #3pheobe thunderman gets pregnant by Albert Moore24003Thundermanskennyridwanauderywhitbyjakeborlie+9 more #4a hero is born by Albert Moore7309When Nora finds. Out her moms having a baby she gets worried that she wont. Get enough attention and phoebe has to help cherry with a boy and max gets captured by villia...jackgriffokriakosrainauderywhitby+5 more #5 max gets Pheobe pregnant by Albert Moore23742he gets grounded for what he didkirakosarindeagiovelequzejackgriffo+5 more