The Rules Of Being Blackby Ajanae Thomas354K18.1K100Niggas always trynna be down. If you don't naturally follow any of these rules, you have lost your label as a "Black Person" . If you don't own Jordans, you ai...niggasblackpeoplerules+8 more Uncle Remus, his songs and his gutenberg5.1K181musicgutenbergjoel+6 more I Have a Dream, Martin Luther Kingby gutenberg4.5K361afroamericansluthergutenberg+5 more The Souls of Black Folkby gutenberg1.9K231edwardgutenbergbois+3 more Martin Luther King Jr. Day gutenberg6.1K151kingmartinafroamericans+6 more The Black Experience in Americaby gutenberg1.5K51slaveryafroamericanshistory+5 more