Patchwork's Birthdayby Jaden & Judai Yuki
Patchwork, or her real name Peggy Vanthorpe, is having her birthday on November 1st.
Now with a 2022 chapter.
This story was written by Judai.
Factory Tyrant's Birthdayby Cleopatra Yuki
Factory Tyrant, or her real name FT-59, is celebrating her birthday on August 25th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.
Ageage Again's Birthdayby Allison Cox
Ageage Again, or her real name A.G.A Nanzaster, is having her birthday on July 7th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.
Bringing Factory Tyrant Back To Allison Cox
Ciel and Soleil revive Factory Tyrant and surprise both Ageage Again and Patchwork.
This is a one-shot.