Harnessing the Impact of Medical C...by
In today's value-based healthcare landscape, where hospitals and healthcare institutions are compensated based on the quality of care, even the most minor deviation in d...
Overcoming the Barriers to a High...by
Coding and auditing are two inextricable halves of a continuous process in a value-based healthcare system. When building best-in-class coding and auditing frameworks, i...
Simplify CPT and E/M Coding Proces...by AGSHealth_
Medical coding is becoming more integrated into the overall business infrastructure for providers as its impact on revenue outcomes becomes more closely linked. It's ess...
Medical Coding: Key to Eliminating...by AGSHealth_
Medical coding has several objectives to capture patient services, influence future medical decisions based on patient history, and submit accurate claims to payers for...
Evolution of Coding: Its Impact on...by
Partnering with an outsourced coding service provider remains a top strategy for healthcare organizations dealing with a shortage of qualified professionals and/or a spi...