Rising from the Ashes (Aizawa's a...by Zyyn Li
In a world where heroes and villains clash, where powers are both a gift and a curse, a young boy's journey begins. At just four years old, he is unaware of the destiny...
(Eraser head son)BNHA x readerby Atra99
This is a BNHA x male reader as Dazai osamu
Y/n is a interesting and funny boy and he is the biological son of aizawa but the deference is he like to try many typ...
The new hot boy (BNHA)by ItzzMeRay
Imagine if there was a cute (HOT) boy that came to your school. He looks like a child version of aizawa so I'm going to make him aizawas son (as I only see aizawa daught...